Hey. Hey, how did it go? - You shut up! - What happened? We'll get into Mr. Thumb's wild ride in a minute. First, you're going to tell me, how did the deal go? Awesome. The deal went awesome. Good. So, it's closed? Yeah, fucking closed. Basically closed. A little bit of a hiccup, but... What do you mean, a hiccup? A little bit of a hiccup. Your fucking boss is an anti-Semite. Did you know that? Oh, my God! What did you do? I was playing it nice and cool, just like we talked about, and then these goddamn squids, these Japs, these fucking Kamikaze pilots are coming at me, riddling me with fucking questions. I had to do a little improv, and they got very emotional. Will you just tell me how it ended? - You're going to court. - No! Fuck! Oh, my God! Your boss was a little pissed off. I told him it was part of my secret master plan. No, you didn't! We'll work on one of those. You tell me how my shit went. - Your shit? - How'd my stuff go? Mitch, what the hell is wrong with you? It was a porno movie! It's a lorno, a light porn. The dick stays in the pants, right? They didn't pull it out, did they? But my thumb went in three girls' assholes. Get the sand out of your vagina. Did you finish the day? I finished the day, Mitchell. What are you doing? - I finished the day. - Good. You're living the dream. You're living the fucking dream! Your job sucks, too. This isn't going to work. This is not going to work. That's way too much.
The Change-Up
I need to talk to you about Mitch.
The Change-Up
What PPS multiple are you using? - What's that? - Is the financing still stable? Hang on, guys. Fucking 25 guys on this side. Can you fire at somebody else? Can anybody else field the fucking question? - Dave? - Yep. It's your job to know this.
The Change-Up
She just needs a little bit of a nudge. A little bit of a coax, little bit of a tickle. Just to rationalize it to herself, to her God. Do you know what I mean?
The Change-Up
This is just me trying to save my job.
The Change-Up
Come on, open up the door, right now. Fuck. Come on, buddy, open up the door immediately. Let's do it.
The Change-Up
I love you, pumpkin.
The Change-Up
Once, that happened. And you said he would force everyone to do Kamikaze shots, spike the punch with ecstasy, give all the girls breast exams and... That was the same party.
The Change-Up
Where did that come from? Hang on, hang on, I got it. No, they are going to call it.
The Change-Up
Look at all of this for little Mitchie-poo.
The Change-Up
Weird. Maybe we should talk about your bad memory at Dialogue Night. Stilton Coffee House tonight. Don't forget.
The Change-Up
We tried to tell you.
The Change-Up
What you don't realize about him is that he's a fucking Jedi!
The Change-Up
The Change-Up
Game on.
The Change-Up
Happy anniversary, Jamie and Dave!
The Change-Up
I know what I'm doing. I've been doing it for... How long have I been doing it here? How long have I worked here? You know that. I don't know.