I didn't read her poem, either. Do you want me to lie to her? Is that what this is? Fine, I don't care.
The Change-Up
Tell Cara that her poem was good. You just hurt her feelings.
The Change-Up
Bang. Thank you, Mommy.
The Change-Up
Dinner song.
The Change-Up
Holy shit! Why the fuck are you still wearing clothes? When are you due? Any minute now, so let's get our fuck on before this becomes a threesome. That's so gross! Whoa, stop for a second. Stop for a second. You're so heavy! My tits are aching for you. That's probably the Colostrum coming, and it'll be very painful. Okay, okay. Just friends. Just friends. Okay, what's your deal tonight?
The Change-Up
I'm going to do this.
The Change-Up
- Hello. - Hi, Mitch. It's Tatiana.
The Change-Up
You know what, Mitch?
The Change-Up
Okay. Daddy needs a time-out.
The Change-Up
Great idea.
The Change-Up
It feels kind of like I'm cheating on Jamie. Are you fucking shitting me? In what world is this cheating? Cheating is when any part of your dick gets up inside some woman that's not your wife, okay? And your dick is firmly planted inside these fucking lame, triple-pleated sports slacks. But my mind is over here. That should count for something, right? God, you big bitch. How many women have you fucked in your mind? Thousands?
I like how you made me work for it tonight. What am I? A burglar? Holy shit.
The Change-Up
It's kind of surprising. Very surprising. If they offer you one red cent over $700 million, you accept that. Got it?
The Change-Up
How are you? Good. Just on my way to see Dave. Actually, all the senior staff is going to be at the mediation tomorrow. So, I snagged Flemming's seats to the Marlins-Braves game. You, me, beer, baseball. What more could a guy want?
The Change-Up
We should probably go, you know, take a piss. Yeah, yeah, let's do it. Yeah.
The Change-Up
They found the fountain. Yeah, they did. She called me, too.
The Change-Up
Thank you for coming in today. My name is Erin Walsh, and I'll be mediating your claim. Any and all agreements made during this mediation are binding and carry with them the full rights and responsibilities of the law as stated in Federal Code 325 A, Section 4.