- It's going to explode! - Oh, my God! Roll up the windows! - What the fuck is that going to do? - Roll it up! - I don't fucking care! Just do it! - Oh, God!
21 Jump Street
I'm driving! Why do you always jump over the car like that? Hi. Hi. How are you? - Hi. - God damn, you are beautiful. - Oh. Hi. - You are fine as shit. Don't worry. Someone will pick you up. - Wow. - Hurry. Just drive. Wait. Pick me up?
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
Come on, you guys. Come on. Please. Jesus.
21 Jump Street
Oh, Shit!
21 Jump Street
Here's the deal. My track team is full of physically incapable rejects.
Then after that shit at the play, I realized there's no way you guys could be cops.
21 Jump Street
Is this funny to you guys?
21 Jump Street
- They're coming! They're coming! - I got an idea. Why don't you text them and ask them to stop chasing us?
21 Jump Street
Yeah, no, it's all good. - I love doing drugs at school. - I'll just take the drugs right here, in our mouths. There you go. That's it.
21 Jump Street
I heard you call me Rain Man, you asshole! Principal Dadier sucks dick!
21 Jump Street
That's what exploded? Holy shit. That was crazy. Why did you shoot for me?
21 Jump Street
Can anybody tell me where my Peter is?
21 Jump Street
It rhymes with "grape"
21 Jump Street
Make fun of me behind my back and everybody laughs at me? I was a loser for four years! You couldn't handle it for five minutes! Have some fairy dust, motherfucker!