Of course he's with us. The whole thing was his idea. Yeah. Except he probably don't wanna say that out loud 'cause he knows you getting your arm blowed off in Iraq was all his fault. Everybody knows you never would have gone and joined up to fight if your big brother wasn't the football star. - Well, that's true. - Yeah. He was gonna be hot shit. He was gonna play for the NFL. And nobody around here ever done anything like that. You were gonna be just another white trash coal miner. The Logan Family Curse. Shut up! You two are idiots. Hey. We're value added to this robbery. And if anyone has a right to be pulling an attitude here, it's us. Yeah. Oh, the Bang brothers don't like the job? Hmm? You got a problem with it? Yeah. You changed the date, moved everything around. This whole job changed dramastically. We had to change the date! You knew the terms for our participating. Mmm-hmm. We needed a moral reason to pull this job with you. Now, we was fine with you wanting to get back at that store for messing with your hot sister. But you did a whole 360 on everything when you moved up the date! And NASCAR ain't done nothing to nobody. NASCAR is a beautiful thing. NASCAR's like America. It's like you're making us hurt America. So moving up that date was a vagrant fliolation of our morality clause. I'll show you "vagrant"...
Logan Lucky
We need to finish this. Now, you go talk to your brother, all right?
Logan Lucky
Hold on. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on, man.
Logan Lucky
What are you doing? Wait...
Logan Lucky
Hey, I'm your brother.
Logan Lucky
It's all good, it's all good.
Logan Lucky
You're with them?
Logan Lucky
Shut the...
Logan Lucky
Oh, shit.
Logan Lucky
Jimmy, help me get the hose off. I'm gonna go get it myself. Come on, then Technically, it's not your arm.
Logan Lucky
You sucked my arm off! This is your fault, not mine. You told me to turn it up! You don't even know how to operate a goddamn machine! You said put it in reverse! I put it in reverse. You sucked his arm off! Your fault. Your fault. Hold on. It's in there? It's all the way in there? It's not stuck in the tube or nothing? No. I got to get in there and get it.