Found 2276 results
You do as I say and everything will be just fine.
Knives Out
No. No. I promise. But...
Knives Out
Tomorrow at 8:00.
Knives Out
Hey, Detective? If you want my insight into the family...
Knives Out
That's what it does. Always?
Knives Out
None of them are murderers.
Knives Out
So how about it, Watson?
Knives Out
Oh, let me guess. Hey! Stop. Stop.
Knives Out
That's my insight. And yet, be it cruel or comforting, this machine unerringly arrives at the truth.
Knives Out
You know what's right. Marta...
Knives Out
Mmm-hmm. Look, I...
Knives Out
I wanted to say sorry for how everyone was.
Knives Out
Yeah. Are you? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, I...
Knives Out
How was tonight? Tonight was, uh, good.
Knives Out
I messed up. You gave me 100 milligrams of the good stuff?
Knives Out