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- Like stone-cold dead? - Yes. You'll feel symptoms in five. Sweats, disorientation, and then... Yes. That big dose injected, within 10, your... Your brain... Yes, 10 minutes. From the moment of injection? It's eight-ish now. And even if the victim called for an ambulance when he first felt the symptoms and if he lived in a great big country house like we do, the ambulance would take at least 15 minutes to arrive and it'd be too late. If the victim didn't have the emergency Naxostuff. Marta?

Knives Out

So I'm gonna tell you the truth. Young Ransom just told Lieutenant Elliott everything. Good. Wait, I hope he didn't cover for me. Did he tell you the real truth - about me switching the... - Yeah. - And the disguise bit? - Yes. And the whole blackmail and... Mmm-hmm. But why did Fran take my morphine? I mean, obviously she had swiped the bag from the house, but she didn't seem like a user to me, unless that's why she needed the blackmail money. I don't know, it doesn't matter anyway. I have to tell the Thrombeys myself, I feel like I owe that to them. I don't think that's a good idea. No, I have to do it. I need to do it.

Knives Out

I'm gonna say this just to you. No cameras, no courtroom, just you, 'cause you know it's true. We allowed you into our home. We let you watch our granddad, we welcomed you into our family. And now you think you can steal it from us? You think I'm not gonna fight to protect my home, our birthright, our ancestral family home? That is hooey. Harlan, he bought this place in the '80s from a Pakistani real estate billionaire. Oh, shut up, Blanc! Shut up! Shut up with that Kentucky Fried Foghorn Leghorn drawl!

Knives Out

- Up, up, up, I got it. - Yeah, you got it? Up, up, up, I got it. Up, up, up, I got it. - Up, up, up, I got it. - Okay, that's... - Up, up, up, I got it. - Hey, Harlan... - Up, up, up, I got it. - Let's... Up, up, up, I got it. - Okay. - No second thoughts. No. No, no, no, no. - Get up here! - I had a glass of champagne. - Harlan, listen to me. - We are... - It's late. I had... - You've only had one glass. Exactly. A glass of champagne. I don't... We are not breaking tradition on my birthday! Can you just take your goddamn medicine and go to bed? If you're gonna put that vile shit in me, you have to earn it. On my birthday. - Oh, God. - Eighty-fifth birthday. - Fine. Jesus! - I'm so old. - I'm so old. - You really love drama, huh? Oh, Marta. Okay, let's do this. Nine-by-nine. - Right. - You ready? - I'll whip your ass. - Are you sure? Yeah. Yeah. How dare you.

Knives Out

The Netflix guys, their business affair guy. He sent something over. It's hard numbers this time, and I just think this is a window that's not gonna stay open. We need to take advantage of it and then you just need to look at the numbers! - Yeah, Walt, look... - Dad! Dad! You... You put me in charge of our books. Let me be in charge! Let me do this! Please! They're not our books, son. They're my books. And this is not how I wanted to have this conversation. But you're right, you're right. It's unfair of me to keep you tethered to something that isn't yours to control. What? No, I've done you a grave disservice.

Knives Out

So... How you doing, kiddo? We're just gonna reintroduce ourselves as a formality. I am Detective Lieutenant Elliot, and this is Trooper Wagner. Now, um, I'm going to record this, just to make things easier. All right, we're with Linda Drysdale nee Thrombey, Harlan Thrombey's eldest daughter, and discussing the events that took place the night of his demise one week ago. November eighth. We're very sorry for your loss. Thank you. That means a lot. So, we understand on that night the family had gathered to celebrate your father's 85th birthday? Yes. - How was it? Uh... - The party? Pre-my-dad's-death? Oh, it was great. Did anyone besides the family show face? Um, Fran, the housekeeper. He was a nice guy, but he was so hairy. - Jacob? - And I've dated Italian guys. You know what I mean? It was like... Marta, Harlan's caregiver. Good girl. Hard worker. Her family's from Ecuador.

Knives Out

Um... Wow. Well, yeah, not too complex at all. This will be quick. "I, Harlan Thrombey, being of sound mind and body" and yada-yada-yada... "I hereby direct that all my assets, "both liquid and otherwise... "I leave in their entirety to Marta Cabrera. "My entire ownership of Blood Like Wine publishing, "I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera, "the copyright of its catalogue likewise "I leave in its entirety to Marta Cabrera."

Knives Out

Ransom... What's that mean? I think it means our father finally came to his senses and cut this worthless little brat out of his will. So I guess you're gonna have to sell the Beemer and give your notice at the country club, and kick whatever fashion drug you're on. Because if you think that after all the bridges you've burned, after all the shit you said, after everything that you put this family through for the last 10 years, that any of us are gonna support you that any of us are gonna give you, like Dad liked to say, "a single red dime..." you're nuts!

Knives Out

My mother? Yeah. What did Meg tell you? Oh, this isn't about... You're missing the point. We don't wanna attack you with this, but, Marta, if your mother came into the country illegally, criminally. And you've come into this inheritance, with all the scrutiny that entails, I'd be afraid that could come to light. And that's what we wanna avoid here. We can protect you from that happening, or if it happens. So you're saying that even if it came to light, with your family's resources, you could help me fix it? Yeah. Yeah, with the right lawyers, you know? Not these local guys, but New York lawyers, DC lawyers, with enough resources put toward it, yes. Not that that ever even needs to come up, but, yes. Okay, good. Okay? Because Harlan gave me all your resources. So that means with my resources, I'll be able to fix it. So I guess I will find the right lawyers. Uh, Marta, that's... You better be sure that's what you want.

Knives Out

Me. Linda asked who hired me. Well, who hired you? I do not know. An envelope of cash showed up at my apartment yesterday with a news clippin' of Thrombey's death. An envelope? That worked? - An envelope of cash. - Hmm. So somebody suspects foul play and goes through this ha cha dance of hiring me, of staying anonymous. It makes no damn sense. Compels me, though.

Knives Out

Why would someone hire me? Someone fishing for a crime to reverse the will, Blanc. Come on. But I was hired before the sealed will was read. So, yes, the person must have known the contents of the will. But one step further, that same person must have known a crime was committed, and further... If the intent was to reverse Marta's inheritance, they must have known that Marta was responsible. An intriguing combination of factors. Someone who knew what Marta did wanted to expose it but could not reveal how they knew. Fran! She was blackmailing me. She knew what I did. Yeah, but Fran wanted money, ergo she did not want the crime exposed. What if someone in the family had observed Marta doing something suspicious? But they would have had no reason not to speak up.

Knives Out

Are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on? Yes. Yes. I just wanna come clean, okay? - It's over. - Almost. Blanc, what are we doing? - What's going on? - I'm sorry. Officer Wagner. Keep the family out of this room, and get 'em out of the house if you can. But stand by with your additional officer. Get the family out? Yes, but not all of them. Would you... Thank you. - Blanc... - Yes, sir. Come on, come on, what's all this drama? - Indulge me. - Blanc, I told Ransom, Ransom told you, and I'm telling you now, it is an immovable fact that I killed Harlan. Yes, you did, yes, he did, yes, you are. But... But, I spoke in the car about the hole at the center of this donut. And what you and Harlan did that fateful night seems at first glance to fill that hole perfectly. A donut hole in a donut's hole. But we must look a little closer. And when we do, we see the donut hole has a hole in its center. It is not a donut hole, but a smaller donut with its own hole and our donut is not whole at all! Blanc, look, I understand that this is amusing for you... Why was I hired?

Knives Out

Marta, we've been talking it over and, uh...

Knives Out

Fifty years ago, I worked this estate. You know, security back then was such that you had to make the rounds with a 94 and keep your ears open. Now you've got all this modern technology. Now, that's the video there. I saved the tape from that night. Normally, I erase 'em with a magnetic degausser, but in this case, I thought I'd just save it, you know? For security. Now, uh, that's a live feed there.

Knives Out

That was the dumbest car chase of all time. Put your hands down. I spoke to Wanetta Thrombey, Greatnana. Night of the party, she saw someone climbing the trellis to the third floor. - Mr. Drysdale, come on. - Let's go. Pat him down, check him out. What's going on? "Ransom came back," she said. Hands on the vehicle. I don't know what he came back to do, but we'll find out. You got anything sharp? Watch your head. Thank you. Hey, you don't need to thank him. Did he ask you to drive when he saw me coming?

Knives Out

Oh, you little bitch! - You little bitch! - Linda? Did you know about this? Were you in on this from the beginning? - This is unbelievable! - Easy. No, no, no! I just wanna know. What were you... What were you doing? Were you boinking my father? - "Boinking"? - No, no, no. I think everybody just needs to cool their jets. You had sex with my grandpa, you dirty anchor baby! Now hold your horses. And in the meantime, I'd maybe run. Wait, wait, wait, Marta? Now, would you please... - Ladies and gentlemen, please. - Marta, talk to us. Marta? Wait a minute. I totally understand how you must be feeling right now. - You cannot leave! - You can talk to me. I don't know what to say. I don't know. - Calm down. Calm down. - Marta, please... Marta, listen, darling... I don't know what's happening. I don't know why he... Guys, I'm also confused. I need to think! Marta! Are you listening? I can't catch up!

Knives Out

- That's not... That's... No. - No. - That can't be. - No. Can I see that please, Alan? - Yeah. It's right. - Please. This can't be legal. It's right. - You know, he was... - Oh, my God. Aren't there safeguards... Alan, there's a mistake. I don't know what to say. We're his family, so... It's not possible. Are there safeguards against this? Right mind. Something... - You know... - Alan, listen... - He was on medication. - In his final days, he was on a great deal of medication. Morphine? All right, morphine. - I mean, I don't know. - This is confusing. - She seems like family... - Alan, you can take... - ...but she's not our family. - ...this piece of paper and shove it right up your ass, and get out! And, you cops, too, out. - Linda? - Out! Right now. - Hey, Linda? - No, Richard, we need to talk. We need to fight this thing. We're not going anywhere. I said get out! We are the Thrombeys, God damn it! This is still our house!

Knives Out

She's okay.

Knives Out