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But Harlan understood.

Knives Out

This is insane.

Knives Out

Step three, keep your appointment with Fran.

Knives Out

Alice, you can keep watching your show, it's fine. No, I guessed who did it anyway. - It's okay. - I'm sorry, Marta. It's okay.

Knives Out

I'm not eating one iota of shit!

Knives Out

It's like...

Knives Out

Based on this, the medical examiner determined the time of death to be between 12:15 and 2.00 a.m. As Walt was finishing his cigar at about 12:30, Meg came home. She went straight to bed. Walt and Jacob turned in shortly after that.

Knives Out

You mean the good stuff? Yeah? Oh, come on, send me to la-la land. Just a tiny bit, okay? Why did I wait till my mid-age to become a morphine user? What a schmuck. What a nudnik. This... This stuff is the best.

Knives Out

Hey. You had a long day.

Knives Out

Marta, I'm so sorry. I told them everything. I figured it was up. I'm sorry. Hey. It's all right, Ransom, I'm glad you did. Not exactly everything though. Is this about what Greatnana told you? She saw me that night. She mistook me for Ransom. We'll get to that. In the meanwhile, Mr. Hugh Ransom Drysdale, you might tell us all why you hired me.

Knives Out

Jacob was in that bathroom the night of the party. Oh, that's where you were all night? What the hell were you doing in the bathroom all night? - Nothing. - Swatting Syrian refugees? No, I was not. Alt-right troll. Liberal snowflake. I don't know what any of that means. It means your son's a little creep. Oh! My son's a creep? Guys, just... Walt, he was in the bathroom. Yeah, he was in the bathroom. Joylessly masturbating to pictures of dead deer. You know what, Richard? You wanna go? You bet, skippy, let's go. You wanna go? Come on! You better watch out, man. - Walt, stop it right now! - Son of a bitch! - Stop it! Just stop! - Stop it! Let go! Let go, Richard! I have been waiting for this my whole life! - Stop it, right now! - Donna, I can handle myself! - Stop it! - I can handle it. Oh, my God. We gotta do this more often. Hey!

Knives Out

See, I might be a victim of my own expectation here, but when the great Benoit Blanc comes knocking at my door, I expect it's going to be about something, if not extraordinary, then at least interesting. But... I'm sorry, this is an open-and-shut case of suicide and, uh, quite frankly, Benny, we're getting to the point where I need to know what we're doing here. The method? Throat slit? Typical for a suicide? Yes, I mean, that's dramatic. But look around. I mean, the guy practically lives in a Clue board.

Knives Out

Well, thank you all for getting together like this. It isn't legally necessary, but I thought because you're all in town, and some of you are leaving soon... Excuse me. Uh, I'm sorry. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to gently request that you all stay in town until the investigation is completed. Yeah, well, he's gently requesting, but I'm gonna have to make that an order. No one move until we figure this all out. What? Can we ask why? - Has something changed? - No. No, it hasn't changed? Or no, we can't ask? Mr. Stevens... You may continue. Right. Well...

Knives Out

You killed him, you bastard! You murdered him! I didn't murder nobody! You slashed his face open. You left him bleeding in the street like a stuck pig, then you crushed his skull with a forklift and burned his hands off to erase the fingerprints! You'll never prove it. We have the nanny-cam footage! Alice, turn that off now, please? - You're under arrest for... - Why? It's almost over. - Now. Please, just turn it off. - What? They're finding out who did it and the WiFi sucks in my room, - so give me a break. - Turn it off, now. - There's two minutes left. - Alice! - What? There isn't even anything bad on. - Off! It's just normal TV - and they're just talking! - They're talking murder on it! Normal TV, and they're just talking! Your sister just had a friend she loved... - Okay, okay! Okay! Whatever. - ...slit his throat open and she doesn't need to be hearing that right now! Let's be sensitive!

Knives Out

- I... - Excuse me! You have not been good to her. You have all treated her like shit, to steal back a fortune that you lost, and she deserves. You're a pack of vultures at the feast! Knives out, beaks bloody! Well... You're not getting bailed out, not this time. Ms. Cabrera has decided, definitively, not to renounce the inheritance. - What? - What? Furthermore, it will be my professional recommendation to the local authorities that the manner of death in the case of Harlan Thrombey is ruled as suicide! - And the case is closed. - Blanc? What? Thank you all for coming. Goodbye. What's going on? Just tell me... That's certainly not what I was expecting. No. Is anybody else confused? Not what I was expecting to hear at all.

Knives Out

And there is no other staircase up to Harlan's room? None. Just the creaky one. Interesting. So, uh, we know that Ransom didn't do it because he wasn't there. Marta couldn't have. Harlan was still alive when she left. - Yeah. - Meg... Meg came home during the window - of the time of death, right? - Now look, look, it was a... Except it was a suicide, all right? Harlan slit right through his carotid. We saw from the blood splat patterns that they were uninterrupted, meaning, it's almost impossible for anyone to have been around him at the time. He's the one who cut his own throat, all right? I don't know why we keep goin' over this. Physical evidence can tell a clear story with a forked tongue.

Knives Out

Harlan's detectives, they dig. They riffle and root. Truffle pigs. I anticipate the terminus of Gravity's Rainbow. Gravity's Rainbow? It's a novel. Yeah, I know. - I haven't read it though. - Neither have I. Nobody has. But I like the title. It describes the path of a projectile determined by natural law. Et voila, my method. I observe the facts without biases of the head or heart. I determine the arc's path, stroll leisurely to its terminus and the truth falls at my feet.

Knives Out

Oh, God, yeah! I mean, don't like him because you love him. No, I don't like him, he's an asshole. But maybe an asshole is what we needed. Oh, my God, yeah, an asshole is what Germany needed - in 1930-whatever. - Here we go. Come on, Joni, those two things don't even conflate. - There is the problem... - Oh, Jesus. You do not care about anybody's feelings... I'm gonna disappear until the politics talk is done. - You, my friend... - You want some champers? I can't. I'm technically working. Why don't you take off your red cap, Richard, and look around you? The streets are literally flooded with Nazis. No, no, no. No, no, no. We are losing our way of life and our culture. That's right. There are millions of Mexicans coming. - Oh, God, really? - Don't make this a race thing. You always make this a race thing. - Yeah, this is not about race. - I would say the same thing if they were European immigrants. Oh, yeah? So, if the Swiss were, like, - clogging in the streets... - No. No, no, we allow them in and they think they own what's ours. They're putting children in cages! - I mean, these are camps! - Yes. Come on, Joni, nobody's saying that isn't bad, but the parents have some blame here. Oh, for what? For wanting a better life for their kids? - Isn't that what America is... - For breaking the law! My God. And you're gonna hate hearing this, but it's true, America is for Americans. Don't point at me. Where's Marta? Is she still here? - Oh, God, don't. - Marta! - Come on over. - No, Richard. Come on over, Marta. Please, come over. You're shitting me. Marta, your family is from Uruguay, but you did it right. I mean, what I'm saying is they did it legally. She did it the right way.

Knives Out