Since his injury, I've been giving him a 100 milligram IV push of Toradol. It's a non-narcotic analgesic. And to help him sleep, three milligrams of morphine. And the family was aware of this? Yes, of course. Did you notice anything strange or off about his demeanor?
Knives Out
At some point, he knocked the board over and Joni came up to check on us.
Knives Out
Did you know Harlan? He knew my father, who was a police detective years ago. Oh. My father respected Harlan.
Knives Out
Drive out the gate. Then to avoid the security cameras, pull off the road before the carved elephant.
Knives Out
I'm here because this mornin', someone dodged a very important question.
Knives Out
I gave him pain medication.
Knives Out
You were seen leaving. The security cameras show you driving off. And 20 minutes later, I'm seen alive and well by my son. You see, you've gone from suspect number one to an impossibility. Leave the way you came and don't be seen.
Knives Out
Wait. Was it before or after? After the carved elephant. No, he said before. Was it? Beafterfore the carved elephant. Oh, shit.
Knives Out
I know you just ate a full plate of baked beans and sausage. So...
Knives Out
I feel simultaneously freed by and supported by them.
Knives Out
Knives Out
You know, this is an interesting and efficient method of murder. I need to write this down. So, if someone switched the meds on purpose, I'd be dead in 10 minutes.
Knives Out
Pay attention, now.
Knives Out
What are you doing? - Are you nuts? - Don't make a noise. - Harlan, we have to call the ambulance. - Marta, listen to me! We don't have time! - What's going on? - Listen to me! Now, if what you said is true, I'm gone. There's no saving me. No, no. We have six minutes. - No, I can't... - Wait, no. We have got to get you out of this! Think of your mom.
Knives Out
You won, not by playing the game Harlan's way, but yours. You're a good person.
Knives Out
What are you doing?
Knives Out
Marta? Everything all right? - Oh, hi, Joni. - I thought I... Hi. I thought I heard something. Is everything okay? No, no. We're fine. We're fine. Well, I just knocked over this Go board. Sorry about that. - Everyone's all right? - Yeah, fine. No, no. Go to bed, Joni. Okay. Maybe we can talk tomorrow about the family... Tomorrow's fine. - Goodnight. Love you. 'Night. - Love you. Bye.