We could just... leave. Oh, sure, yeah. "Thanks for the presents. Go fuck yourselves." No. I'm serious, I'm serious, honey.
Ready or Not
Help me, please. - Shit. - Please.
Ready or Not
Who wants to play a game? It's time for hide and seek. ♪ Run, run, run ♪ ♪ Time to run and hide ♪ - ♪ Run, run, run - Oh, fuck. - ♪ And now I'm going to find you ♪ - I think you were right. ♪ You scurry off into the darkness ♪ - ♪ Hurry, I'm behind you ♪ - Mr. Le Bail, I take it back. - ♪ Don't you speak ♪ - I wanna go home. - ♪ Hide and seek ♪ - Fuck! - Hide! Hide! - ♪ Tiptoe to the cellar ♪ ♪ Or crawl under your bed ♪ ♪ Anywhere you've fled ♪ ♪ I am going to find you ♪ ♪ Stay inside the shadows ♪ ♪ All you girls and boys ♪ ♪ Don't you make a noise ♪ - No! I did everything right. - ♪ Or I am going to find you ♪ - ♪ Run, run, run ♪ - I played by the rules. ♪ Creep up on my prey ♪ - And I'm in control... - ♪ Run, run, run ♪ ♪ Stalk the night away ♪ ♪ You can scuttle off into the night ♪ ♪ But what will be behind you ♪ ♪ Don't you speak ♪ ♪ Hide and seek... ♪ No, don't leave.
Ready or Not
Ready or Not
Not much.
Ready or Not
Georgie, I know you're in here.
Ready or Not
What do you say we, uh, divvy up the wedding gifts at brunch tomorrow?
Ready or Not
You don't have to do this. Nothing's gonna happen.
Ready or Not
The girl still dies! Oh.
Ready or Not
Can you hear me?
Ready or Not
It is time for your boys to take their place.
Ready or Not
I know it is too late.
Ready or Not
We must kill the bride by dawn. We're fucked. I mean, we are so fucked. Calm down. Work the problem. We should use the security cameras. You have no respect for tradition. No, she's right. Don't you think Great-Grandfather would've used the security cameras if he had them? I mean, it's not tradition that he was born before cameras. That's... that's stupid. Exactly. Times change. Speaking of which, may I please use a weapon made this century?
Ready or Not
- You're hurting me. - She's in here! No, please, no, no! Please! Let me go!