Found 1231 results

You read my mind! Stay here. We got to get as far away from these things as we can. They let you out? You're damn right. They got bigger fish to fry now, believe you me. Come on, boy. We're leavin'...without you. We're going to live with Uncle Hector in Tucson. [Scoffs] Ha ha ha ha! Hector? Like hell you are. I'm still your father. No, you're not. You're just the man who married my mother. You're nothin' to me. Oh.

Independence Day

Oh! Aah! [Steven Chuckles] Oops. Oops? What does that mean? What do you mean-- Nah. I--I got it. Some jerk didn't put the... I know what I mean when I say it. What do you mean saying " oops" there? What do you say we try that one again, huh? Yes, yes. Yes, without the " oops." There's the...thataway. - Oof! - Ooh... - Whaa...Hoo! - Aah...Oh! I have got to get me one of these!

Independence Day

Well, what about Troy? Troy? Yeah. For once in your life, why don't you think about what's best for him? Just who in the hell has to beg for money to buy him medicine when you screw up, huh?! Who?! Who?! You stop it right now! I'm not a baby anymore! And I don't want your stupid medicine, 'cause I'm so sick of medicine! Do you know what this stuff costs? Do you want to get sick again? Do you? TV: Once again, the L.A.P.D. is asking Los Angelenos TV: Once again, the L.A.P.D. is asking Los Angelenos not to fire their guns at the visitor spacecraft. You may inadvertently trigger an interstellar war. Think we can find something better to do with our time, gentlemen? Where you been, Stevie? Man, this is unbelievable. This is, like, huge. They've recalled everybody. Oh. Well, looks like the mail's still working.

Independence Day

- God damn it! - Sir? - Sir? - Damn! Woman: Come on, baby. Come on, baby. Come on, baby. Come on. This better not be another damn Russian spy job. Boys from Air Traffic RES say skies are clear. It's the real thing. A radio signal from another world. Let--Let's not jump the gun here. Get on-line with Space Command. They're gonna want to know about-- Jeez, what's with the golf balls? You're gonna kill me here. Wait. wait. This can't be right. The calculated distance from source is only 37 5,000 kilometers.

Independence Day

Oh, that was a hit. I took a hit. We're not hit! We're not hit! Stop side-seat driving. Left, left. Tunnel, tunnel. Exit, exit. Left! Where the hell do you think I'm going? Ok, we-we-we're, uh... Uh-oh, they're closing up on us. Is that closing? Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Must go faster. Must go faster. - Go, go, go, go! - Aaaaahh! Aaaaahh!

Independence Day

I really want you out of Los Angeles. You're staying there to keep people calm. It's the right thing to do. I'm not going to let them criticize you for it. I appreciate your trying to help me. Liar. Stick to the truth. It's what you're good at. All right. I'll tell you the truth. I don't want you in any one of those cities. [Sigh] I'll leave as soon as the interviews are done. All right. There's a helicopter waiting. They're going to take you to Nellis. Marilyn: And the munchkin? She's going to meet you there. All right. I love you. I love you. Bye. TV: Communication attempts in 30 languages over all common frequencies have failed. Bye.

Independence Day

We're loose. Can you get us out of here in 30 seconds? I ain't heard no fat lady! Forget the fat lady. You're obsessed with the fat lady. Drive us outta here.

Independence Day

Good luck, buddy.

Independence Day

She doesn't look too good. Your wife is bleeding internally, Mr. President. Perhaps if we'd gotten to her earlier-- Wait a minute. What are you saying? We can't stop the bleeding. If we'd... There's nothing we can do for her. Patricia: We were worried. We didn't know where you were. I didn't know where I was either.

Independence Day

[Speaking Spanish]

Independence Day

All we can do now is...pray.

Independence Day

Come on and get me! Come and get me!

Independence Day

Sir, all missiles have been fired. You're out of time! Get your ass out of there! We're not done yet! Get as far away as you can! Doesn't anyone have any missiles left? Russell: Sorry I'm late, Mr. President!

Independence Day

Damn it!

Independence Day

Get me Atlantic Command on the line.

Independence Day

Go ahead, pilot. We're ready to take off right now. Can you get a blanket for Patricia?

Independence Day

God! Where are they? [Explosions Outside]

Independence Day

Look, um... why don't you get some things packed, and you and Dylan come stay with me on the base.

Independence Day