Actually, I think we might be going in there right now after all.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Actually, we should sell it.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Are you Monsieur Gustave of the Grand Budapest Hotel in Nebelsbad? Uh-huh. Switch with me.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
That's just marvelous, isn't it?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Sixth floor.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
It's a hell of a view. I give them that, for what's it's worth. I agree.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Bring the table to the window. Yes, Monsieur Gustave. Bring the tray to the table. Right away, Monsieur Gustave. Right there. Have those been brushed and blocked? Of course, Monsieur Gustave. Pack them in the hat boxes. Is that from Oberstdorf & Company? I believe so, Monsieur Gustave. Second trunk. Who has the tickets? I do, Monsieur Gustave. Give them to me.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Which way to the safe house? I couldn't find one. No safe house? Really? We're completely on our own out here? I'm afraid so. I asked around, but...
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Come outside, please.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Oh, yes.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I never asked who his family had been.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
She admires you as well, Monsieur Gustave. Does she? Very much. That's a good sign, you know. It means she "gets it." That's important.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Hold it.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
I'm going to blast your candy-ass once and for all right now.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Are you going up? No, I'll sit for a little while. Good night.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Something's missing. A crucial document, either misplaced or, conceivably, destroyed. I don't know what it contains, I don't know what it represents, I don't know what it is, but there are traces and shadows of it everywhere. Now, I don't want to alarm you, and I don't expect to see any significant change in the magistrate's ultimate decision vis-à-vis your own inheritance, but, especially given the circumstances of the death, as well as the disappearance of the key witness in the murder case, Serge X, I suggest that we immediately bring this matter to the attention of the municipal inspector so that there can be absolutely no question of impropriety at any future date. Agreed? Not agreed.