On the 21st day of the occupation, the morning the independent state of Zubrowka officially ceased to exist, we traveled with Monsieur Gustave to Lutz. In answer to your earlier question, by the way, of course.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
"Whence came these two radiant, celestial brothers, "united, for an instant, "as they crossed the stratosphere of our starry window? "One from the East and one from the West." Very good.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
She and our infant son would be killed two years later by the Prussian grippe. An absurd little disease. Today we treat it in a single week, but, in those days many millions died.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Zero asked me about my humble beginnings in the hotel trade. I was, perhaps, for a time, considered the best Lobby Boy we'd ever had at the Grand Budapest.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
He anointed me his successor, and as the war continued, I served my adopted country from the narrow desk still found against the wall in the next room.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
This one finally surpassed me. Although, I must say, he had an exceptional teacher. Truly.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
He did not succeed, however, in growing old.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Something's on the back of the picture.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together..." MR. MOUSTAFA: Nor did my darling Agatha.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
He was the same as his disciples, insecure, vain, superficial, blond, needy.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
MR. MOUSTAFA: She left everything to Monsieur Gustave, of course.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Nobody move. Everybody's under arrest.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Why do you want to be a Lobby Boy?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
310-bis. Hang on! Here I come!
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Don't flirt with her.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Why blonde?
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Very good.
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Monsieur Gustave also delivered a nightly sermon. Rudeness is merely the expression of fear. People fear they won't get what they want. The most dreadful and unattractive person only needs to be loved, and they will open up like a flower. I am reminded of a verse, "The painter's brush touched the inchoate face "by ends of nimble bristles "and with their blush of first color, "rendered her lifeless cheek living." MR. MOUSTAFA: His own dinner, he took alone in his room.