- That's... - You are afraid to live. You're a hypocrite. You're a conformist. You're a liar. I opened up to you and you judged me. You are an asshole. - You are an asshole. Get off of me. - Calm down. Get off! You're harassing me! He's harassing me! Shut up! (CROWD CHATTERING) - Get off. - Man, take it easy. - Dude, relax. - He's harassing me. - (PAT) Get off me, dude. - He's harassing me! Stop it. Back off, all right? - Calm down! Go home. - Get off of me. - Shut up, shut up. Stop it. - Shut up. (STEVIE WONDER'S "MY CHERIE AMOUR" PLAYING) (SIREN WAILS)
Silver Linings Playbook
Not my brother! Hey, hey, hey! (MAN 1) Come on, get him! (PAT) Get off my brother! (GUARD) Break it up or you'll be arrested! (MAN 3) Pat. Pat. Pat. (WHISTLE BLOWING)
Silver Linings Playbook
- (PAT) Hey, hey, get off me. - What are you doing? Come on, what are you doing to these kids? You being a punk with these kids? Wanna go back to Baltimore? Is that what you wanna do? What did these kids do to you? You're begging to go back to Baltimore. What's the matter? - You're sick. - It's the kids. It's the kids. Honestly, he didn't do anything. It was all the kids. - They started it. He didn't do anything. - (KEOGH) Come on. Come here. What are you gonna do about that song? Huh? Gonna go your whole life scared of that song? It's a song. Don't make it a monster.
Silver Linings Playbook
Silver Linings Playbook
I wanna do everything I can to help you get back on your feet. That's the whole point.
Silver Linings Playbook
Were there any women?
Silver Linings Playbook
Holy shit, look at you. You are ripped.
Silver Linings Playbook
Come on, breathe. There's no song. There's no song.
Silver Linings Playbook
- Right. - Hm?
Silver Linings Playbook
It's all fucking ruined now. It's all ruined. - It's all ruined! - (PAT) No, Dad. - It's ruined! It's ruined! - (PAT) No, Dad. You little fucking shit! - (PAT) Come on, Dad! - You fucking loser! You loser! - (PAT) I'm not a loser. - You fucking loser! Spiked the ball... (PATEL) He defended his brother and us. - Spiked the ball at the one-yard line. - (PAT) No, Dad. (DOORBELL RINGING)
Silver Linings Playbook
- (PAT) I'm not doing...! - Stop hitting him!
Silver Linings Playbook
Maybe I didn't spend enough time with you growing up. I spent too much time with your brother.
Silver Linings Playbook
Restraining order's nothing to fool with, bro.
Silver Linings Playbook
The Birds lose, I lose a fucking fortune. A fortune to Randy. What did you do? You fucking lost it. You said you had it together, you were solid. I am solid. I was solid at the game. I'm solid. I'm solid. You fell apart! What are you talking about?
Silver Linings Playbook
- I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. (KEOGH) Where are you going? (TIFFANY) I took it too far. (KEOGH) Hey, was he messing with you? No, this was just a joke. This is a joke I started. There's a restraining order on this guy. That's not a good thing to do. - I'm fucked up. What can I tell you? - You're Tommy's widow? I'm Tommy's crazy whore widow, minus the whore thing for the most part. You're a funny girl. You wanna get a drink sometime?