Found 1595 results
When you cheat on her and you just feel like shit.
The Big Sick
You're gonna know the woman that you want to spend the rest of your life with when you cheat on her.
The Big Sick
Yeah, I heard him leave this morning.
The Big Sick
You're not my son.
The Big Sick
AZMAT: Kumail. You're being selfish, you're not thinking about us.
The Big Sick
And I know Islam has been really good for you, and it has made you good people.
The Big Sick
But I don't know what I believe.
The Big Sick
I just need to figure it out on my own.
The Big Sick
And right now she's very sick. But I couldn't tell you that.
The Big Sick
It makes me so sad that I couldn't tell you any of that.
The Big Sick
[ Voice breaking ] And she's gonna be a therapist.
The Big Sick
I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I truly, truly, truly do. I really do.
The Big Sick
And why not?
The Big Sick
And I can't marry someone you find for me.
The Big Sick
Hello? Kum-beta?
The Big Sick
You don't believe in Allah? I don't know what I believe, Dad. I don't know.
The Big Sick
I don't pray. I don't.
The Big Sick