- I'm not a burger. - Yes, you're a burger. - I'm not a burger. - You're a big, fat burger. And biscuit is actually a British term. Oh, thank you for all the information I don't give a shit about. And you should listen to Mom and grow a beard.
The Big Sick
Eventually, you have to marry a Pakistani girl. Like...
The Big Sick
- [ Jazz music playing ] - [ Indistinct chatter ]
The Big Sick
Here we go. Yeah.
The Big Sick
[ "My World" by Jimmie Gray playing ]
The Big Sick
I was pretty unhappy in my first marriage, and I drank a lot, and, uh, one way to cover drinking a lot is to just, like, know a lot about wine. Wait. I'm sorry. What did you just say? That knowing a lot about wine covers for drinking a lot. [ Laughs ] Uh, no, I mean the huge piece of information that you're trying to just blow right past.
The Big Sick
- [ Whispering ] Kill me. - KUMAIL: That's right. Eid Mubarak. That's our Christmas. Except instead of the traditional Christmas ham, we serve mithai, which my khansamah, Chris, will serve to you right now.
The Big Sick
Oh, my God, the two-day rule. No, that had nothing to do with it. Seriously. Red flag after red flag.
The Big Sick
No, I gave her that one. Hey, do you have that little notebook from the doctor's?
The Big Sick
But I thought you really liked it. I really liked it.