Found 491 results
Paddock 11.
Jurassic World
Yeah, what's the problem? It's in the cage! It's in there with you! Go!
Jurassic World
Paddock 11, do you copy?
Jurassic World
Yeah, definitely him.
Jurassic World
Simon Masrani's death was a tragedy.
Jurassic World
Maybe progress should lose for once.
Jurassic World
Hold your fire. Do not fire.
Jurassic World
This is gonna happen. With or without you boys. Progress always wins, man.
Jurassic World
Pig loose!
Jurassic World
Because it's my wedding. No, Alec's not having a bachelor party. Because all his friends are animals.
Jurassic World
Dude. Off-road. But they told us to go back.
Jurassic World
I can still ride the Triceratops. I'm 47-and-a-half inches. This place is for little kids.
Jurassic World
Cover up your dork pouch.
Jurassic World
Yeah, I know. Wanna go on the spnnfingcflnosaureggs? Nope.
Jurassic World
These guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, belt buckle and all. What if they decide they wanna be in control?
Jurassic World
- What? - What's so funny?
Jurassic World