She's a little shy, so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out. Zach,Zach! The Mosasaurus!
Jurassic World
Are you okay?
Jurassic World
It's gonna be fine.
Jurassic World
Come on, we can stay out a couple more minutes.
Jurassic World
Everything right on there?
Jurassic World
Hey, Claire. Zach, thank God. ls Gray with you? I can't really hear you. We're in the hamster ball. Okay. Zach, listen to me. I need you to...
Jurassic World
Lowery, I'm on my way back to you. That's a bad idea. The board assigned emergency ops to iNGen's private security division. This guy Hoskins is in charge. And he has this insane plan to use the Raptors to hunt the lndominus. What do you mean "use the Raptors"? Son of a bitch!