Hey. They said we had to evacuate. There's a boat. You coming?
Jurassic World
Jurassic World
I know why they wouldn't tell us what it's made of. Why?
Jurassic World
MASRANkOhm Got it. Got it.
Jurassic World
They evacuated the lab.
Jurassic World
Where have you been? Change of plans. Mission took a jog to the left. I'm taking everything off-site. The embryos are safe here. They can live up to eight weeks on the generators. No, no. You listen. The park's gonna be Chapter 11 by morning. Okay? Our little side project's about to get a shot in the arm. I don't want a bunch of lawyers messing around with something that they don't understand. You get it?
Jurassic World
Jurassic World
Lowery, we found her. South of the Gyrosphere Valley, between the old park and the Aviary. Wait, are you following the dinosaur? Yes. Get ACU out here. Real guns this time. ACU is airborne. They took the helicopter. Who's flying it?
Jurassic World
Your aunt's got you VIP access, so you can get in all the rides without waiting in line. Let's go. Dude, she said we had to wait. I don't wanna wait anymore.
Jurassic World
The Board will shut down this park, seize your work, everything you've built.
Jurassic World
Are you crazy? Just trust me. Close the gate!
Jurassic World
Lowery, I'm on my way back to you. That's a bad idea. The board assigned emergency ops to iNGen's private security division. This guy Hoskins is in charge. And he has this insane plan to use the Raptors to hunt the lndominus. What do you mean "use the Raptors"? Son of a bitch!