Found 491 results
But somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future.
Jurassic World
We gotta get indoors. Follow me.
Jurassic World
Oh, no. I have a boyfriend.
Jurassic World
That's unfortunate.
Jurassic World
Feed the monster under your bed'? Yes.
Jurassic World
Why do you have to say things like that?
Jurassic World
Did you call your sister? Straight to voice-mail. It'll be fine. She handles 20,000 people a day, right?
Jurassic World
Well... Yeah, okay. Great. Great. Okay- Okay- Are you gonna be okay? Yeah.
Jurassic World
Close the door. We can't lock him in there with that thing. Close it now! Somebody talk to me! What is happening?
Jurassic World
Clean up your workspace. It's chaotic. I like to think of it as a living system. Just enough stability to keep it from collapsing into anarchy.
Jurassic World
Call me every day, and text me pios, so I don't forget what you look like. I'm only gonna be gone a week. Zach.
Jurassic World
Drive! Drive! Go!
Jurassic World
Okay, bye.
Jurassic World
How big is the island? Big. But how many pounds? That doesn't make sense.
Jurassic World
Okay, so just...
Jurassic World
Put 12 amps in these animals, they're never gonna trust rne again.
Jurassic World
That wall is 40 feet high. Do you really think she could have climbed out? It depends. On what? What kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab.
Jurassic World