Joy, no. - That's a Core Memory! - Hey! - Joy, wait! - Stop it! Let go!
Inside Out
All right, everyone, get out your history books and turn to chapter seven.
Inside Out
JOY: Huh? FEAR: (GASPS) It's a Core Memory! But it's blue.
Inside Out
No, no, no, no!
Inside Out
(ALL STRAINING) JOY: Somebody help me! Grab that... Everybody put...
Inside Out
FEAR: Ah! The Core Memories!
Inside Out
Yeah, it gets pretty cold. The lake freezes over, and that's when we play hockey. I'm on a great team. We're called the Prairie Dogs.
Inside Out
Hey, Sadness! You touched a memory? We talked about this. Oh, yeah, I know. I'm sorry. Get back in your circle. (SIGHS) What's going on? - Why won't it eject? - Get it out of there, Joy. (SNIFFLING) We used to play tag and stuff. Cool kids whispering at three o'clock!