Wait, ma'am! I'm going with you. Like fun you are, short stack. You die outside your game, you don't regenerate.
Wreck-It Ralph
The first nine racers across that finish line will represent Sugar Rush as tomorrow's avatars! Race! Race! Race!
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
Chocolate. I hate chocolate!
Wreck-It Ralph
And besides, I've got a job to do, too. It may not be as fancy as being president, but it's my duty. And it's a big duty!
Wreck-It Ralph
Behind you!
Wreck-It Ralph
Man, you scared me, kid. I nearly soiled myself. What's your name? Ralph. Wreck-It Ralph. You're not from here, are you? No, well, yeah. I mean, I mean not from right in this area. I'm just doing some work here. What kind of work? Some routine candy tree trimming. You probably want to stand back. In fact, this whole area is technically closed while we're trimming. - Who's "we"? - Candy tree department. Where is everybody else? It's just me today. So you just meant like the royal "we"? Yep. That's right. Hey, are you a hobo? No. I'm not a hobo, but I am busy. Okay? So you go home. What's that? Didn't hear you. Your breath is so bad it made my ears numb. Listen, I tried to be nice. I tried to be nice. - You're mimicking me. - You're mimicking me!
Wreck-It Ralph
But I do know this. He'll do anything to keep her from racing. Because if she crosses the finish line, the game will reset and she won't be a glitch anymore! Where is she now? In the fungeon with Fix-It Felix. Felix? I'm sorry! That's all I know! That's all I know, I swear! Now, please, don't put me back in your filthy mouth again!
Wreck-It Ralph
Get back here! Slow down! Slow down a little bit.
Wreck-It Ralph
- Come on. Get through. - Ralph! Stop! It's got to work! Stop, it's no use.
Wreck-It Ralph
Sweet mother of monkey milk! I did it!
Wreck-It Ralph
It's okay, Ralph.
Wreck-It Ralph
Welcome to the boss level! Turbo. Because of you, Ralph, I'm now the most powerful virus in the arcade! I can take over any game I want. I should thank you. But it would be more fun to kill you.
Wreck-It Ralph
All right, Fix-It. That's everyone. Now, we've got to blow up this exit.
Wreck-It Ralph
Kid! Are you okay? I'm fine. I'm fine. Let's finish this race!