Jiminey jaminey! Look at that high definition. Your face! It's amazing! Flattery don't charge these batteries, civilian. Now, state your business. I'm looking for my colleague, Wreck-It Ralph? Never heard of him. Well, Q*bert saw him come in here. Impossible. Nothing gets past me.
Wreck-It Ralph
Ladies and gentlemen, we're out of order. Sweet mercy! Without Ralph, we're doomed! They're going to pull our plug!
Wreck-It Ralph
Congratulations, soldier. It is my honor to bestow upon you The medal of heroes.
Wreck-It Ralph
- Okay. - Okay. That is rude, and this conversation is over. And this conversation is over.
Wreck-It Ralph
What? No! - Take it easy, big boy! - Stay away from me! He's getting away!
Wreck-It Ralph
You! Give me back my medal right now! - Oh boy! - Go!
Wreck-It Ralph
What is that? Come on! Go! Roll!
Wreck-It Ralph
Come back here!
Wreck-It Ralph
Double stripe.
Wreck-It Ralph
Kohut! My cruiser.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
I wouldn't grab that branch if I were you. I'm from the candy tree department, so I know what... It's a double stripe.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
Wait! Let me talk to you for one second. Okay. Here's the thing. I'm not from the candy tree department. Lying to a child. Shame on you, Ralph. But I wasn't lying about the medal. That is my medal! That's why I was climbing the tree. It's mine! It's precious to me. That thing is my ticket to a better life. Yeah, well, now it's my ticket. - What the... - See you, chump! Come back! I'll find you! I will find you! Double stripe!
Wreck-It Ralph
Double stripes break. Guh-doy! Why are your hands so freakishly big? I don't know. Why are you so freakishly annoying? Why are you so freakishly... Sweet mother of monkey milk! A gold coin! Don't even think about it. That is mine. Race you for it! Hey! I don't have to race for it because it's mine! Double stripe! Come back here! The winner! Give it back! Give it! Whoa!