Okay, good. Little more. Yeah, that's it! Hold it, hold it, hold it.
Wreck-It Ralph
"Sugar rush"?
Wreck-It Ralph
Look, I'm going to be straight with you, kid. I've been talking to King Candy. - King Candy? - Yeah. You sold me out? No, I didn't... Listen. You don't understand. No, I understand plenty. Traitor! I'm not a traitor. Listen. You're a rat! And I don't need you, and I can win the race on my own. But I'm trying to save your skin, kid! Put me down! Let me go! No, you listen to me. Do you know what's gonna happen when the players see you glitching? They gonna think the game's broken. I don't care! You're a liar! No! You better care, because if your game goes out of order, - you go down with the ship, little sister! - I'm not listening to you! Get out of my way! I'm going to that race! No, you're not!
Wreck-It Ralph
What is this place? Where are the karts? You gotta make one. What? No, no. Look, kid, bad idea. Trust me. I don't make things. I break things. Well, it looks like you're going to be stepping outside your comfort zone, then, gladys. Ooh, this is a good one! Welcome to the bakery! Let's bake a kart! What is this, another game? Yeah, well, it's a mini-game. You have one minute to win it. What? Come on, Ralph! Go! Mixing. Put the ingredients in the bowl. And throw away the trash. Hairbrush. No!
Wreck-It Ralph
Do you even know what a cy-bug is? I can't say that I do, ma'am. Cy-bugs are like a virus. They don't know they're in the game. All they know is eat, kill, multiply. Without a beacon to stop them, They'll consume Sugar Rush. But do you think they'll stop there? - Yes! - Wrong! Viruses do not stop! Once those cy-bugs finish off Sugar Rush, they'll invade every other game until this arcade is nothing but a smoking husk of forgotten dreams.
Wreck-It Ralph
It came this way, but the sugar particles in the atmosphere are jamming my sensor. Can't get a read on it. So what is it with this Wreck-It joker? Why did he go awol? I wish I knew, ma'am. He was acting all squirrelly last night... going on about cake and medals... But I never thought he'd go turbo. "Go turbo"? That's right, you guys just got plugged in. Well, back when the arcade first opened, TurboTime was by far the most popular game. And Turbo... Turbo-Tastic! - He loved the attention. - Turbo-Tastic! So, when Roadblasters got plugged in and stole Turbo's thunder... New game. All right! Boy, was he jealous.
Wreck-It Ralph
We'll be put out of order for good.
Wreck-It Ralph
Citizens of Sugar Rush...
Wreck-It Ralph
Smells like ralph in here.
Wreck-It Ralph
We can fix it! I'm telling you guy: We haven't been this popular in years. It's crazy. Wow!
Wreck-It Ralph
Hello? Hello?
Wreck-It Ralph
The code. It's the sweet lifeblood of the game.
Wreck-It Ralph
I will never be good, and that's not bad.
Wreck-It Ralph
Sour Bill, I'm going out. You're in charge of the castle until I get back.
Wreck-It Ralph
Pretty shiny. Ooh! And it says "Hero" on it? Uh-huh. And you say you win it by climbing a building? - And fighting bugs! - Right, bugs. Listen. Is there any chance I could go with you to your game and you know, maybe get one of those medals? - Negatory. - Does that mean maybe? No! Look, only the bravest and the best serve in our corps. Bug!