- Felix! - Ralph! I'm so glad to see you! Wait. No, I'm not. What do you have to say for yourself? Wait! I don't want to hear it. I'm not talking to you! Okay, don't talk. That's fine. But you have to fix this go-kart for me pronto. I don't have to do boo! Forgive my potty mouth. I'm just so, so cross with you! Do you have any idea what you put me through? I ran higgledy-piggledy all over creation looking for you. I almost drowned in chocolate milk-mix! And then... I met the most dynamite gal. She gives me the honey glow something awful.
Wreck-It Ralph
Okay, good. Let's try that again. ♪ I've been looking for a driver who is qualified ♪ ♪ So if you think that you're the one step into my ride ♪ ♪ I'm a fine-tuned supersonic speed machine ♪ ♪ Got a sunroof top and a gangster lead ♪ ♪ So if you feel it, let me know, know, know ♪ ♪ So start me up and watch me go, go, go, go ♪ ♪ Get you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean ♪ ♪ Got a ride that's smoother than a limousine ♪ ♪ 'Cause it's 0 to 60 in 3.5 ♪ Push pedal shift it. ♪ Baby, you got the keys ♪ That's good. Keep going! Shift it again! ♪ Now shut up and drive, drive, drive ♪ ♪ Shut up and drive, drive, drive ♪ I told you, racing's in my code! ♪ So if you feel it, let me know, know, know ♪
Wreck-It Ralph
But you have to back out of the race. Yeah. Oh no, I don't, Because I paid my fee and I'm on the board... So, yeah, I'm definitely racing. Yeah, well, King Candy says glitches can't race. I'm not a glitch, Taffyta. I've just got pixslexia, okay? The rules are there for a reason, Vanellope. To protect us. Say I'm you. I'm in my weird little car and I'm driving. And I actually feel kind of cool for once. And then, all of a sudden, oh no. I'm glitching! - Hey! - See? You're an accident just waiting to happen. Oh no! I glitched, too!
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
See ya later, President Fart Feathers. Au revoir, Admiral Nnderpants. And farewell, Baroness Boogerface. Goodbye, Major Body Odor! - Hasta la vista you... - Ralph! - All right. To be continued. - Yeah! Hooray!
Wreck-It Ralph
Explain something to me. If Vanellope was never meant to exist, then why is her picture on the side of the game console?
Wreck-It Ralph
Bring it home, kid! The finish line is wide open!
Wreck-It Ralph
The glitch! The coin she used to buy her way into the race. That was your medal? She did what? I need that back! Well, I'm afraid I can't help you. It's gone, you know. It's nothing but code now. It will stay that way until someone wins the cup at the end of the race. Maybe I'll have to have a little talk with the winner then. Is that a threat I smell?
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
And good night! Thank you for the party.
Wreck-It Ralph
"To stinkbrain". Gee, thanks. Turn it over.
Wreck-It Ralph
Tut-tut. As your merciful princess, I hereby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be executed. What? No, please! Oh my land. This place just got interesting. I don't want to die! I'm just kidding. Stop crying, Taffyta. I'm trying, but it won't stop.
Wreck-It Ralph
I remember. She's our princess! Oh! That's right! We are so sorry about the way we treated you. Yeah, those were jokes! I was just doing what Taffyta told me to do!
Wreck-It Ralph
Well, with a little help from Felix. Oh. And guess who was the best man at his and calhoun's wedding. That's right, my friends, old ham hands himself. Very elegant affair. You should've seen it. Lot of grandeur. And not a single bug.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
A-ha! No!
Wreck-It Ralph
Baking! Pump up the heat and hold the perfect temperature. Ralph, a little help here? I'm on it.