Thank you for that stirring introduction, Sour Bill.
Wreck-It Ralph
Hello, fellow racers! It's that little crumb snatcher. Candlehead, Taffyta, Rancis, you're looking well. Came by to check out the competition, huh? Well, here it is, the Lickity Split! Sheesh. Looks like she built it herself. I built it myself. Fastest pedal-power, west of the Whac-A-Mole. Check her out.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
Can do.
Wreck-It Ralph
Hey! Leave her alone!
Wreck-It Ralph
Saccharine-saturated nightmare!
Wreck-It Ralph
But... Where?
Wreck-It Ralph
I love it! I finally have a real kart! Come on. A work of art like this must be signed.
Wreck-It Ralph
Come on, Zangief! Gross.
Wreck-It Ralph
Oh Vanellope, it's so... you.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
Where are you? Let's see... Stadium, no. Jumbotron. Ha-ha! There it is. The winner's cup.
Wreck-It Ralph
Yes, you are.
Wreck-It Ralph
Okay. Ma'am, I just gotta tell you... You are one dynamite gal.
Wreck-It Ralph
With all this garbage around you?
Wreck-It Ralph
Hurry, hurry! Let's go. Time's a-wastin'. Come on, Ralph! This is it. This is really happening. I almost don't believe it. I mean, I have dreamt about it for so long, and now... And now... Now I think I'm going to puke, actually. I mean, I think I might puke. You know, like a "vurp." a what? Vomit and a burp together, And you can taste it, and it's just like rising up. This is so exciting! Yes, it is. It's exciting. Am I ready to be a real racer? Ralph, what if the gamers don't like me? Who doesn't love a brat with dirty hair? Come on. Those people are going to love you. You know why? - Because you're a winner. - I'm a winner. - And you're adorable! - I'm adorable! And everyone loves an adorable winner! Yeah! Okay, come on. Listen to me. If you get nervous, just keep telling yourself, "I must win Ralph's medal or his life will be ruined." - And have fun. Got it? - Got it.