All right, enough with the goo-goo eyes. We've got work to do. Let's go.
Wreck-It Ralph
Underpants. No, no! You're getting all the wrong stuff, kid. I'm trying! Let me up there. I'll do it. No. Yes. Gross. Milk. Yes, yes, yes.
Wreck-It Ralph
No, no, no, no, no! Please, Ralph! No! Stop it! Stop it! No!
Wreck-It Ralph
- Look out! - Whoa!
Wreck-It Ralph
How bad can I be?
Wreck-It Ralph
I can't hop. I'm hop-less. This is hopeless! We're going to drown here. Stop thrashing. Stop moving. You're making us sink faster. We're going to die! Get a hold of yourself!
Wreck-It Ralph
We are humanity's last hope. Our mission? Destroy all cy-bugs. You ready, rookie? Let's find out.
Wreck-It Ralph
You mean business!
Wreck-It Ralph
What? You have teeth? I don't think I've ever seen you smile before. I'm not smiling. I was... I'm gassy, okay?
Wreck-It Ralph
Get off my face!
Wreck-It Ralph
♪ O-re-o, oreee-o ♪
Wreck-It Ralph
Scram, you rotten little cavities! Before I throw you in the mud!
Wreck-It Ralph
I'm okay. I'm okay. Fit as a fiddle. Now, you all know Ralph. Evening. Evening, Nell, Lucy, Don, Dana... - Deanna. - Big Gene! Why is he here? He's just here for a slice of cake. And I'm a big part of the game, technically speaking. Why are you here, Gene? Oh look! The cake!
Wreck-It Ralph
Stick around. Yes, okay, I will. I will. Thank you!
Wreck-It Ralph
Beyond the halitosis you so obviously suffer from. Listen, nilly-wafer, I'm not leaving without my medal! Yes, you are. Wynchel, Duncan, get him out of that cupcake and on the first train back home. And if I ever see you here again, Wreck-It Ralph, I'll lock you in my fungeon. Fungeon? Fun dungeon, you know? It's a play on words.
Wreck-It Ralph
Listen, this is not what I wanted! Well, what did you want, Ralph? I don't know. I just...