- You're too kind. - However, by comparison... your work in the crypt was more akin to a finger painting.
Sherlock Holmes
You have the grand gift of silence, Watson. It makes you quite invaluable as a companion.
Sherlock Holmes
- That was my waistcoat. - We agreed it's too small for you. - I'd like it back. - We agreed. I want it back.
Sherlock Holmes
I knew she'd been engaged. She had told me. So that's no to the opera, then?
Sherlock Holmes
Right. I'll keep it with your checkbook, locked safely away in my drawer.
Sherlock Holmes
You weren't there, so I made your customary bet.
Sherlock Holmes
I have your winnings from last night.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Here, I brought you these, all the way from Syria. I found these exquisite dates in Jordan... and your favorite... olives from the Cyclades. Thought we might have a little tea party. And while I was setting the table, I found this: A file with my name on it.
Sherlock Holmes
Lord Henry Blackwood... you are sentenced to death for the practice of black magic... the unholy murder of 5 innocent young women... and the attempted murder of a 6th.
Sherlock Holmes
What did he want? Not sure. But I don't think you're needed, Father. Not for this one.
Sherlock Holmes
Do you have any final words? Death... is only the beginning.
Sherlock Holmes
Is that the maharajah's missing diamond?
Sherlock Holmes
Hapsburg prince to Romanov princess."
Sherlock Holmes
London's so bleak this time of year.
Sherlock Holmes
Now, if I play a chromatic scale... there's no measurable response. You do know what you're drinking is meant for eye surgery? But, now... and this is remarkable... if I change to atonal clusters... voil�, they fly in counterclockwise, synchronized concentric circles... as though a regimented flock. Watson, this is exceptional. I, using musical theory, have created order out of chaos.
Sherlock Holmes
All those of you who are with me shall be protected. All others... will perish.
Sherlock Holmes
Specifically designed to prevent us from disarming it.