Nonetheless, I confess to being completely outmatched.
Sherlock Holmes
What's this all about, then, Blackwood?
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
In summary, ears ringing, jaw fractured, 3 ribs cracked, 4 broken... diaphragm hemorrhaging, physical recovery, 6 weeks... full psychological recovery, 6 months... capacity to spit at back of head... neutralized.
Sherlock Holmes
Widen your gaze. You must widen your gaze. Widen your gaze. You and I are bound together on a journey that will twist the very fabric of nature. Steel your mind, Holmes. Widen your gaze. He's gonna raise a force that will alter the world. - His power grows daily. - This is the source of his power. I need you. His secret lies in the book of spells.
Sherlock Holmes
Nut him!
Sherlock Holmes
What an industrious empire.
Sherlock Holmes
We don't actually have to disarm the device... we just have to remove the cylinders. Yes, except that they're welded in. What we need is a controlled explosion. We'll need a container to direct the blast. My clay pipe should service that ambition.
Sherlock Holmes
Take this man to the infirmary, now.
Sherlock Holmes
I fulfilled my contract. I found Reordan. He's in Scotland Yard's mortuary. So that's me, finished. Your job was to manipulate Holmes' feelings for you... not succumb to them.
Sherlock Holmes
Sir! Lord Coward has issued a warrant for your arrest, sir.
Sherlock Holmes
Will the train be departing on time? The train's been delayed, madam. Shouldn't be long now, though.
Sherlock Holmes
Mr. Holmes, we have an order for your arrest, sir.