Oh! This poor guy, honey! He's running out of arms!
Murder Mystery 2
I actually really liked you. I know you did. We really liked you. You've been so nice to us. It's just kind of what we do. Kidnap my own brother? - She's getting upset. - I see. She's in front of me. Are you out of your mind? - Just move on. Audrey, move on. - Moving on. [Nick] All good, Saira. [Audrey] Francisco, chairman of the board.
Murder Mystery 2
[dramatic music playing]
Murder Mystery 2
- [Audrey] Hello? Hey. Is everybody there? - Yes, Audrey. Everyone except-- The Countess and her creepy little friend? Give back Vikram, you monsters! - You already got the money. - Yes, we do have the money. And if you ever wanna see it again, you better tell the kidnapper to bring the Maharajah to the Jules Verne restaurant. What? The what?
Murder Mystery 2
[grunts, pants] I'm glad my biggest fan is gonna get to see this. Actually, not as much of a fan as I used to be. That's a shame because I'm about to teach my final lesson... [weapons cocking] How to blow up the Eiffel Tower and get away with it. You would never do that. There's only one thing I hate more than witnesses, and that's the French.
Murder Mystery 2
He will never blink again. - [Audrey] Nick! - Yeah, we're coming, precious! Let me handle this, please.
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- [Delacroix] What is that? - That really killed the vibe.
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Fifteen minutes ago, Interpol assumed operational control of this matter and assigned me to head the task force.
Murder Mystery 2
I climbed into a bomb-proof titanium chamber in the back seat. A public death. What better way to eliminate himself as a suspect. Yeah, yeah. But everything didn't go according to your plan, did it? [Audrey] Your guy had his hand on the case seconds before a clean getaway. [Nick] And boom. The greedy ex enters the chat. Hmm. $70 million. That's a lot of money, even for a countess. So she sends Imani over to hijack the hijackers. - Who? - [both] Imani. - [Colonel] Who? - Iman-- The sidekick to the-- The Countess's... You know, do the laugh. Do I have to? - Just knock it out. - [imitates Imani] - Okay. - Oh. Now they know. And then she swoops in, steals the ransom money right out from under your nose. [laughing] - That must have hurt. - Uh-huh. Now, if you had, in fact, read my book properly, you'd remember that revealing the identity of a heretofore anonymous criminal puts all those privy to that information at risk. Which means I'm gonna have to kill you all.
Murder Mystery 2
- [all clamoring] - Oh God! [sobs]
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Very impressive. How did you get out of that SUV before it blew up? I didn't.
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That door opens, everyone inside is dead, understand? - [elevator bell dings] - [Audrey] Nick!
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- Cool. - I'm gonna hand you this.
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Come to me!
Murder Mystery 2
[both groaning] I'm so sorry! - Now you miss? - I'm sorry, baby! I'm sorry! [screaming] Oh shit! Goddamn! Are you aiming for me or him? Him, I promise! I promise! - Just shoot him. Shoot him! - Shit! - Okay. - [Nick] Shoot him! Uh, I've come to the end of my rope, you know what I mean? My wheels are really turning right now. They're spinnin', my wheels.
Murder Mystery 2
Murder Mystery 2
Well, my parents were right about one thing.
Murder Mystery 2
Why are you all dressed up? We read online there was a dress code. We couldn't get into Tavern on the Green 'cause I was wearing shorts one time. - Wh-- Where is everybody? - Yeah. We bought out the restaurant so we wouldn't be disturbed. You do understand the idea of doing this in public is so there are actually people around? - How did you even get these clothes? - And you got your hair done? Look, we had a situation, all right? There was a moat, and then we did... I don't have to explain myself, okay? We'll be the ones who ask the questions. How's that? - Go ahead. Ask the questions. - Let's review the suspects, shall we? [sighs] Get comfortable. Let's start with Saira Govindan. Me? [Audrey] Mm. I defended you.