Is there anything I might do to help? No, not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest... or teleport me off this rock. I don't think so, sir. I'm only a droid and not very knowledgeable about such things. Not on this planet, anyway. As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure which planet I'm on. Well, if there's a bright center to the universe... you're on the planet that it's farthest from. I see, sir.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
Solo, come out of there, Solo! Right here, Jabba. I've been waitin' for you. Have you now. You didn't think I was gonna run, did you? Han, my boy, you disappoint me.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
- It followed us. - No. It's a short-range fighter. There aren't any bases around here. Where did it come from?
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
Got him. I got him! Great, kid. Don't get cocky.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
If the ship's as fast as he's boasting, we ought to do well.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
- You can call me Luke. - I see, Sir Luke.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
Stop that ship. Blast them.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
I would much rather have gone with Master Luke than stay here with you. I don't know what this trouble is about, but I'm sure it must be your fault. You watch your language.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
I wonder who she is. Sounds like she's in trouble. I better play back the whole thing.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
- Fall in. Fall in. - Watch your back, Luke. Fighters above you, coming in.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
Uncle Owen. Aunt Beru. Uncle Owen.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
You've got one on your tail.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
What's wrong with him now?
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
All right. Let's go.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
TK-421, do you copy?
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
Yes? We've captured a freighter entering the remains of the Alderaan system. Its markings match those of a ship that blasted its way out of Mos Eisley. They must be trying to return the stolen plans to the princess. She may yet be of some use to us.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force. The Force? The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope
I'm hit, but not bad. R2, see what you can do with it. Hang on back there. Red Six, can you see Red Five? There's a heavy fire zone. Red Five, where are you? I can't shake him.