Found 793 results
Yes, Carol vanstone. l'm here with Darcy. l know. Terrible name.
Office Christmas Party
Okay, that's part of it. Yeah!
Office Christmas Party
God damn! Get on up here, Mary! Give me the mike. No, no, no. Give me the mike. Give it up for Mary! Mary, everybody, yeah!
Office Christmas Party
Zenotek, you having a good time now? You ready to kick this up a notch? Yeah! Hit me with the horns, Calvis!
Office Christmas Party
Now Iet me cIear my throat Special dedication Going out to all the ladies And all the brothers in here!
Office Christmas Party
-Hey! -Hey, man. What's up, guys?
Office Christmas Party
Hi, Santa.
Office Christmas Party
This is useless. You gonna be solo? There's not gonna be a stocking on your mantel for Jimmy Butler at your place?
Office Christmas Party
Because you're an idiot. l'm sorry. l have been feeling shitty about it.
Office Christmas Party
When I say Zeno, you say Tek -Zeno! Zeno! -Tek! Tek! When I say Zeno, you say Tek -Zeno! Zeno! -Tek! Tek!
Office Christmas Party
Just asking. You know?
Office Christmas Party
Hey, Jeremy.
Office Christmas Party
This is fun, right? This has turned from charming into life-threatening. l cannot believe that they are still not responding.
Office Christmas Party
At least my death will give my parents something to talk about at the meal l'm gonna miss.
Office Christmas Party
-What are you doing? -Nothing?
Office Christmas Party
He really is Santa Claus.
Office Christmas Party
Sorry, l'm just nervous.
Office Christmas Party
Come on, let's dance. Just hang in there.
Office Christmas Party