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What, you're not going to acknowledge me? - Hi. - Mmm. Yeah. Um, I will see you tonight. Yes. Yeah, uh.. - Babe. - Yes? Let's go get egg bagels. Okay. All right. Bye. Paul. God.

The Kings of Summer


The Kings of Summer

This kid is in my head.

The Kings of Summer

It's okay. It wouldn't have worked anyway. She didn't..

The Kings of Summer

Yeah. Uh..

The Kings of Summer

Did you buy new clothes for this? It comes like that... it's the style.

The Kings of Summer

Oh, don't.. Don't drink the water. Uh-uh, I shouldn't have done that. I'm glad you came out, Biaggio. I mean, this is.. This is our rite of passage, goddamn it. Have you ever felt this at one with.. With yourself? With your instincts, with nature? This.. This masculine? I don't know. I don't really see myself as having a gender. Is that a problem? It's not great. This way to the bison, my friend.

The Kings of Summer

The problem with Joseph's habit is that one day there will be an actual emergency or violent crime coming from this house. Yeah, well, the night is still young. Uh, Mr. Toy, are you familiar with "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"? Yes. I experienced a childhood on the planet Earth, so.. Yes, I've heard of that one. Do you think you can apply it to my situation in an allegorical fashion? Okay. It's a.. - a story that involves a boy who.. -Ah, ah, ah.. - constantly cries "wolf." Stop. And when the wolf finally comes.. He doesn't know it. - I'm sorry, "The Boy Who Cried" what? -Wolf. - Fuck you. - Let's go. - "The Boy Who Cried" what? - Stop talking. - Wolf. - Get the fuck off my porch before I knock your dick in the dirt. - Come on, let's go. -I don't see what the problem was. - Why are you yelling at me? - What's next? Three Little Pigs?

The Kings of Summer

You're getting there, bud. No need to rush. Stroke alert. Fifth floor, building B. Room 514. Stroke alert. So, uh.. How are things between you and Carol? Carol? You're referring to the spider woman I found in the gutter? That you found in the gutter, yes. - That's the one. - The same. One and the same. Things, uh.. Things are actually cooled down between Carol and me. It's baffling. Just.. I can't quite pinpoint the exact moment when everything went south.

The Kings of Summer

Not at this time. He took the Monopoly, too. Obviously to spite me. Maybe he just wanted something to remember you by. No way. He hates that damn game. Did you see him the other night? Well, he used to love it, you know, when it was, like, the four of us. You're kind of shitting on his memories, Dad. Well, what am I supposed to do, Heather? You know, if I died, he'd get over it in about six weeks. Uh, sir, Chinese food is here, so I would like to actually.. How much? Uh, it's $51. $51? What the hell did you order? Heather? Don't look at me. I got dumplings. I'm not even hungry. Yeah, I actually ordered a.. A large portion of the shrimp with lobster sauce. I figured it was pretty neutral. We can eat it family-style. - Neutral? - Mm-hmm. Shrimp with lobster sauce? Yeah. I can't think of a more marginal dish in any culture.

The Kings of Summer

What was that play, Joe?!! - Jesus!! It is a game!! - That was the lowest, shittiest, dickhead move I've ever seen. Second lowest. Wow. No one was ever trying to hurt you, Joe. It was never about you!! We just.. It just happened!! - Get over it!! - I'm over it!! The bitch wants you, then she's not good enough for me anyway!! Who the fuck are you, Mary J. Blige? - Jesus Christ!! - Joe, I.. Shut up, Kelly!! All right? Everything was fine until you came into the picture. You're like.. Jesus, you're like a cancer!!

The Kings of Summer

Okay, we traced Joe and Patrick's cell phones to this bus. Savanovic, Dietzel, check under the seats, see if the bathroom's locked. This is an artist's projection of what he might look like now. The beard may be a little full. They aren't here. This is a waste of real time, Davis. You can check under the bus if you want. There's not a lot of air that can make it under there, but.. Listen to me. Our son ran away about eight years ago. - I'm sorry. Did he come back? - So, he came back? - Well, it was a really hard time for us. -Uh, thank you. Jesus, we don't need this right now, sir. Are you okay? - Uh, what does he mean? - He doesn't mean anything. - You need to lean on each other. - Sir. - Oh, my God. - Get him back on the bus. - Davis. -No, I don't want to get on the bus. I'm a licensed therapist!! This is Joe's bag. It's empty- - That's Patrick's phone. - That's Joe's. Some dude had a beeper? That's dope. W-Wait a minute. What.. what is that? What does that mean? It's a Monopoly piece. MY Piece. He's taunting me. He's like the Zodiac Killer. Okay, the worst thing you can do is hope right now. I'm just letting you know.

The Kings of Summer

You okay, fatty? No. No, I'm not. I-I'm really nervous. We're really doing this, huh? Yes, we are. I've never done anything like this, Joe. It's starting to freak me out. Well, uh, neither have I. Kind of the point. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Just, okay, before I make a big decision, I always, you know, say to myself, "I'll do it unless God gives me a definitive omen in the next 30 seconds." So, you know, it's just some dumb superstition I have. If you don't want to do it, that's fine. But.. Do you want to? Sure, yeah. It's.. Yeah, so just like, close your eyes, and yeah. You got it.

The Kings of Summer

Oh, God. So smug. Dude, food attracts mice. And you know what mice attract? - Stupid fucking questions? - No. They attract snakes. In Italian, the word for "snake" means "the demon's cock." - No, it doesn't. -There's a chance that it doesn't. Whatever, dude. From here on out, - all the food goes either in the fire or in the ground. - God, man, you're so doom and gloom all the time. Just enjoy this. It's not doom and gloom, bro. I just found a copperhead skin two hours ago. I read once that animals see fear as a color. I thought you can't read. No, I can read. I can't cry. Well, there you go.

The Kings of Summer

It gets easier. Okay? Honest. I swear. Look at it this way: In two years, he's going to pay for you to leave. Yeah. Uh, look, this may sound desperate, but I am 100% lucid, okay? Don't smile, 'cause I'm.. - Don't. - No, this is very serious. - I am serious. - I'm taking you so seriously. I can be packed in 15 minutes. Just take me with you to Granville. Please. Okay, I would. Totally would, but.. Dad would want to come visit us all the time, and that just wouldn't work for me. - You're lame. - So.. Take it easy on him. - You're getting so handsome. - Yeah. Yeah. - I love you. - Hey, don't you touch me. You love it.

The Kings of Summer


The Kings of Summer

Let's go, man. We got a long walk home.

The Kings of Summer

"My name is Jamal Colorado, and I have kidnapped your son. "He is unharmed, and will stay that way if you abide by the following rules." "Jamal Colorado"? "Anfernee Texas"? "D'Sean Utah"? Yeah, I decided on the format of Denzel Washington: a black first name, followed by a state.

The Kings of Summer