All right, we need cool names for everything. Like, awesome, mythical names. - No, we don't. - Or, uh.. The Trees of Destiny. Oh!! - No. - No!! The map!! Aah!!
The Kings of Summer
Dude!! Where's Joe? What's up, man? What's up? Have you seen Joe? No, I don't know where he is. But where's Biaggio? You're right here. You're right.. Oh, God.
The Kings of Summer
Frank, would you like to press charges against Joe?
The Kings of Summer
What's up, Joe? Nothing's up. It's your roll.
The Kings of Summer
Ah.. Is anything better than a good stogie, Biaggio?
The Kings of Summer
What the fuck is a "barger" system? - Barter. - Barger? When you use equal goods or services instead of cash. So you admit that these are equal goods - in your barger system. - Yeah, but we do not run on a barter system. That's not the point.
The Kings of Summer
Ah. Patrick is the one who set up Bicycle Olympics in my goddamn swimming pool. That was a nice $1,300 repair job. I never called you about that. Thought we were having a moment just then, Frank. And Bicycle Olympics was Joe's idea.
The Kings of Summer
Let's go, man. We got a long walk home.
The Kings of Summer
You want to be my buddy?
The Kings of Summer
Welcome home, Patrick.
The Kings of Summer
Hey. Hey, uh, we.. You do your thing. Just.. I'll see you kids.. Back at the house.
The Kings of Summer
Did you have asparagus?
The Kings of Summer
- So, Patrick's a wrestler? - Oh, very good one. - Yes, a good one. - Very good wrestler. So what's that, Greco-Roman or arena? Don't answer that. Greco-Roman. What's arena? Arena is pro. Do you think that Joe would run away - to prove a point? - Oh, hold on now. We don't know that they've run away. I mean, there is absolutely no reason that Patrick would run away. Not for Patrick to run away, no. - Okay. - You're right. It's a classic kidnapping. They took our children and the canned goods and pasta. All right, look, I hate to admit it, but Frank is right. Right now, we have to assume that these are voluntary disappearances. Wow. What do you know? The police, always pushing their pig Irish agendas.
The Kings of Summer
Bitch. Joe.
The Kings of Summer
What was that, Joe? You know what? Go be with her. Go hang with Kelly and your goddamn mother. I don't.. Joe, I don't want to go. Joe, I want to stay here. - You want to stay here? -This is the most fun I've ever had. We built this house together!! - Go be with her, man, hmm? - Joe, I don't want to go. - Get out of here, man!! - Come on, man, I didn't..
The Kings of Summer
So.. You honestly believe that you saw Heaven? Yes. There were many demons.
The Kings of Summer
If you need to leave, Sergeant, there's no shame in it.
The Kings of Summer
What was that play, Joe?!! - Jesus!! It is a game!! - That was the lowest, shittiest, dickhead move I've ever seen. Second lowest. Wow. No one was ever trying to hurt you, Joe. It was never about you!! We just.. It just happened!! - Get over it!! - I'm over it!! The bitch wants you, then she's not good enough for me anyway!! Who the fuck are you, Mary J. Blige? - Jesus Christ!! - Joe, I.. Shut up, Kelly!! All right? Everything was fine until you came into the picture. You're like.. Jesus, you're like a cancer!!