- My baby. - My darling. The honeymoon we always deserved. - Exactly. - Finally. [both] Mm-hmm. Can you believe how lucky we are?
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[woman] That's quite the plate. Do they not have food where you come from?
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[Nick] Click it. Click it. We did it.
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Audrey! - [Audrey] Ah, Colonel! - [Nick] Hey. - Stunning! - Thank you! Oh, how handsome are you, man? I only have eye for you, Nick. Oh! You better keep it that way! All right!
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In a most beautiful place on a most beautiful night, you have to be the most beautiful thing of all. Um...
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[Audrey groans] - These are very low tables! - [chuckles]
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- I was not gonna do that. - [woman scoffs]
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["King Dee Wedding" begins to play]
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Murder Mystery 2
No, you know, I just... I'm so used to my husband just eating off my plate, so it's sort of become a habit. But, no, you're absolutely right. I don't need this. No, no, no! Don't put it back.
Murder Mystery 2
Would you care for one?
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Where is my husband? [Colonel] We will find him. We will find him. [panting] The Maharajah's been kidnapped. - What? - [Countess] Oh my God! - Where did they take him? - [Nick] He's alive. Somebody with a machine gun threw him on a boat, and they took off. - How many kidnappers? - [Nick] One. Which means his partner is still here on the island. Hold on. How do you know there were two? If the kidnapper had Vik and was taking him to the boat... Ah, someone else was leading the elephant into the tent. - Thank you. - There are 400 people on this island. That's a lot of suspects. Let us narrow it down for you, okay, Colonel? Claudette, how many people knew about the elephant being part of the ceremony? Just the board. Yeah, we had to sign off at the expense of transporting an elephant. So that means all of you. What are you implying? I think it's very obvious what I'm implying. - [Nick] Mm-hmm. - One of you is an accomplice to a murder.
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All guests are to remain in their rooms. Oh my God. We need to get ahead of this, or our shares will plummet. My brother could be dead and the only thing you're concerned about are share prices? Oh! [laughs] How do you think our investors will react when news of this gets out, you little Miss Minority Shareholder? Giving all her money to save the whales and heal the planet and all that nonsense.
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[Nick grunts] What are you doing? [Nick] I'm blocking the door so no one can get in. [Audrey] Honey, you're gonna hurt your back. You know what would hurt my back? A knife going through it. The killer knows we're on to him. We're on the next-to-kill list. I guarantee it. What happened to Vik? A guy that rich gets kidnapped for the money. There's no profit in hurting him. Oh God. We're not gonna be invited anywhere ever again. Ever again. The cheese has a hold on me, honey. I can't stop. Are you just... Will you take a slice like a civilized person? I don't know where the knife is. - Oh Jesus! - [Nick] What? You got a headache? - Yes! - [Nick] I'm sorry. - How's your back? - My back's killing me. - I'll get Advil. - Please. Please. - I'm gonna get more cheese in me. - Honey, do not eat all that cheese. That affects... You're terrible all night. - Absolutely. - Oh. And I have pictures from the tent of a burned robe with bloodstains. Someone was trying to get rid of the evidence, and I'm sure it was the elephant handler. Good detecting, sweetheart. - I'm doing my best. Here. - [Nick] Okay. Thank you. - [Audrey] One, two, three, four. - [Nick] Okay.
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[mysterious music playing] - That is ridiculous! - I'm not on the board! Is it? You all hated my brother! What? No, I... I love Vik. [scoffs] Oh, please! - You've never forgiven me. - For what? - Breaking up your engagement. - Oh, get over yourself. It was an arranged marriage between our families. We amicably split in order to allow for your so-called "love marriage." You didn't want this marriage to go through so you kidnapped him! You gold-digging-- - Ladies, stop it! - Calm down, everybody! - We do this for a living. It's what we do. - [Nick] It's our thing. - And this is not just another case. - No. - [Nick] This is personal. - [Audrey] Yeah, it's Vik. - [Nick] He means a lot to us. - [Audrey] So we'll find out who did this. - [Nick] A hundred percent. - [Audrey] And find out why they did this. And we're gonna get Vik back, okay? We're gonna do this for the low, low price of $25 million. [silence]
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Twenty-five mil, honey. I swear to God. [Nick] I would've settled for ten grand. So insane.
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Francisco Perez. Huh? Big fan. - Oh. - Hey. Mr. Miller, we're also very big fans. Um, we can bring you up to speed. So what we know already is that this is at least a two-person job. I saw the first guy escape with Vik on a boat, leaving the second guy still on the island. Also, just so you know, we were both drugged last night. I don't know if we were drugged. We did have a few drinks-- - You must be the Spitzes. - Yes. Yes, we are! Your reputations precede you. - There you go. - Why, thank you. - That's nice to hear. - Uh, not in a positive way, I'm afraid. Okay. I understand the last time you were involved in something like this, everybody died? Well, that was not the Maharajah. How's he doing now? - [laughs] Okay. - Right. The Colonel's still here, most of him, so there. That's good. Um, listen. Mr. Miller, I read your book, and-- [Miller] Colonel, I wanna see all the security footage. All the footage was wiped from the mainframe. Yeah, 'cause it's an inside job. Mademoiselle Joubert, we'll need your phone for a vocal analysis of the voice mail. Of course. Anything you need. They're professional, no doubt. They were concise and brief on the phone. We also have reason to believe that the inside man was posing as an elephant handler.