ANGER: We're supposed to live here? SADNESS: Do we have to? DISGUST: I'm telling you, it smells like something died in here. Can you die from moving? Guys, you're overreacting. Nobody is dying... - A dead mouse! - (FEAR SCREAMS) ANGER: Great. This is just great. DISGUST: I'm gonna be sick. It's the house of the dead! We're going to get rabies! - Get off of me! - (FEAR SCREAMING) Hey. All through the drive, Dad talked about how cool our new room is. - (FEAR SIGHS) - Let's go check it out! DISGUST: Let's go! ANGER: It's gonna be great! FEAR: Yes, yes, yes.
Inside Out
Inside Out
(LAUGHS) Nice one, Joy. I liked that time at the dinosaur. - That was pretty funny. - (MOM LAUGHING)