You're not gonna die on me, are you? - I don't think so. - All right!
Dirty Grandpa
Oh! I think this guy just sharted! - No, I didn't! - Yes! Call a lifeguard, I think there's been a shart attack!
Dirty Grandpa
It'll be fine. How is this going to be fine? Look at this crew. Come on. We have a good crew too.
Dirty Grandpa
Let's go.
Dirty Grandpa
All ready?
Dirty Grandpa
- What? - I have to fuck that girl, Jason. - Jesus, Grandpa! - I do. I have to fuck her. Grandpa, you're just depressed. You're confused right now because of Grandma. Grandma wanted me to do this. - What? - Yeah. She said when she died, she wanted me to move on and live my life the way I wanted to, and right now, you know what I want to do? I want to get my dick sucked by that fucking college girl! What is that going to do for you? Is that going to make you feel young again? - Yeah! Yeah, what's wrong with that? - Yeah? Feeling young again? What do I have? A dead wife, dying friends. A few fucking good years left if I'm lucky. And you know what? It fucking freaks me out! Yeah.
Dirty Grandpa
Even before you die, you just stop living, and it's all one fucked-up facsimile of the real thing.
Dirty Grandpa
You want it? Come here, give me that hat! Oh, my God...
Dirty Grandpa
- He let me stroke it. - Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on! He's talking about a pee... A bee. - A little stuffed bee. - What bee? There was a bee here, man! It was so soft. He let me kiss it. No, I did not let you kiss it! What are you talking about? - He did not even... Ahh! - You're fucking dead! Dad, that was cool! Oh, shit!
Dirty Grandpa
- What the fuck are you looking at? - I can't help staring at your tits.
Dirty Grandpa
- Really? - Yeah, she just wanted to see if she could do it.
Dirty Grandpa
Seems to me like you're running from something. Come on, haven't you had to make sacrifices to get where you are as a photographer? I mean, yeah, but... That's different.
Dirty Grandpa
Aren't you supposed to graduate next weekend? Yeah.
Dirty Grandpa
We have to go back. Yeah. I know.
Dirty Grandpa
We also tried anal once every five years.
Dirty Grandpa
Well, in case you forgot, I don't even have underwear, from last night. All right, just put them on. I'll turn around.
Dirty Grandpa
"De Oppresso Liber." It's written on your knife too. What does that mean? Hey, lights out after 12:00, boys. I better not catch you swimming across the lake to the girls' camp, okay? - Night. - Good night.
Dirty Grandpa
Every single day, my career's in jeopardy... - What are you doing? - I'm taking the regulator off the pneumatic propulsion system. Give me a beer. Grandpa, what did you really do for the army? - I told you, I was a mechanic. - Bullshit. You speak Arabic. You hot-wired a golf cart. Tell me the truth. All right, I was Special Forces! I trained insurgents behind enemy lines from Vietnam to Iraq. Now give me the fucking beer can! Come on! Look at this dummy! What an idiot!