Found 777 results

- Jason. - Jason. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo.

Dirty Grandpa

Bam! Are you still Jenny from the cock-block? What the fuck! What is your obsession with my ass? Your vibrator's on.

Dirty Grandpa

So we got the professor, you got the millionaire. How's the rest of the Gilligan's Island cast? We're good. - Yeah? - Yeah, everyone's good. - Well, that's good. - Copacetic on the island.

Dirty Grandpa

It's all over for me, Dick. You know, all I wanna do is play Bingo. Go.

Dirty Grandpa

- Hey. - Hey. Hi, professor. Well, there's the prettiest little girl on the beach. - Thank you. - I was actually talking to him. Yup! Immediately offensive. I'm going back to the hotel. Just try not to join the cast of Rent on the way back!

Dirty Grandpa

Oh, my God, you should see your faces! I just went out to grab lunch and a new horse mask. I left mine at the beach the other day. Whoo! I thought you were gonna shit your pants, little guy. - Gun's real though. - What the fuck, man! Relax, this is Florida. Everything's a licensed gun range. You just shot through a wall, man! - Hey... - There's pedestrians outside! Yeah, again, it's Florida! These people don't matter. - What? - So? Welcome to Tam Pam Surf Slam. What can I do for you gentlemen? I'm Pam. - You're Pam? - Yeah. It's a nickname. Real name's Pamela.

Dirty Grandpa

It's a pretty rockin' party. Whoo. Who let the dogs out? Am I right?

Dirty Grandpa

One, two, three... - Hello? - Where the fuck have you been? Uh... we got to Grandpa's a little bit later than we thought last night, and my phone charger wasn't working. Well, you know we missed the deadline for our wedding announcement to be in the Times. Where are you? Are you close? Um... Listen, Grandpa got really upset last night. So I'm just getting a little bit of a late jump here. I want to show you the bouquets for the bridesmaids. So switch to FaceTime, okay? Shit! Baby, the reception at Grandpa's isn't very good... - Jason, just fucking do it! - Okay, one second. Switching over. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Is that sand on your face? It's just sawdust because I was helping Grandpa in the garage, so... I naturally got the dust of the saw on the face. - Hi, honey. - Jason. - Mom? Dad? - Is that writing on your face? Oh! I was working on my vows late last night and... Hmm... And I fell asleep and I got some pen on my face, so... Yeah, that must be the exact thing that happened. Yeah, Meredith called us because she hadn't heard from you all night. We got the rabbi here to work on the vows.

Dirty Grandpa

- I want to kiss buzzy bee! - You can't kiss the bee! I love the way that she kisses. - Ow! Kid! - Hey! - Oh, my God... - Hey! - Fucking pervert! - Oh, no. I got to go right now. I'm sorry. I love you. Bye! No, no, no! Jason! Jason! Come on. I told you to stay with us.

Dirty Grandpa

Hey, no, guys! Absolutely not! I will not ever sell you drugs out of this establishment! We didn't ask you to sell us drugs.

Dirty Grandpa

I don't like that one as much as the swastika full of dicks. Okay, let's discuss the wedding vows. Jason, why don't you begin by telling us all what it is you like about Meredith. Yeah, where do I start? She's... - Hello. - Uh... - Hello, buzzy bee. - What? If you can't think of anything, lean into them looks, dawg. Can I touch buzzy bee? I've loved her for... No, you can't touch buzzy bee! Um... I love the way that she, um... What are you doing? Stop it! Go away! You're getting me in... Fuck, go away! - Your buzzy bee looks so fluffy! - What did he say? - I just don't know where to start. - Let me touch buzzy bee! - You can't have the bee! - What? I want to stroke the bee! You can't stroke the bee! Okay?

Dirty Grandpa

Just finishing a work email for the Steinhart file...

Dirty Grandpa

What are you doing? Hey. - How'd you do that? - Coming or staying, Jack Dicklaus? - Grandpa? - Hurry up, Bubba Twatson. - Grandpa, stop. - Gary Player-with-my-balls. Stop the cart! Fred Couples-of-big-dicks-in-your-ass. - Oh, my God. Grandpa! Stop! - Michelle Wies-all-over-my-face.

Dirty Grandpa

I just said I'm an American, and I'm guaranteed a phone call. - Hm. Well, now he's getting demanding. - Yeah. - We better give him his phone call. - Better give him his phone call. - Guys, come on. Come on, please. - Why are we doing this? This is your phone right here, right? - That is my phone, yes. - Well, you know what? We get to make one phone call on your phone. That's where you're a little bit mixed up. Yeah, hopefully, you're not out of "framily" minutes. - No, no, no. - Get a free Uber ride on that. - Go ahead. - Take us out to lunch. You know what? We're gonna be kind and set you up with a Tinder account. - How about Grindr? What about, uh... - Look at this! - Jefe, is that how you pronounce that? - Yeah, how about Jefe. Yeah, huh? A little alone time with Jefe? He'd like some light conversation and heavy petting, - flirting, flirtations. - He looks thick and lonely. You will meet him at eight. You'll bring wine coolers. And... children's condoms. - Just gonna take a little picture. - Snatch-chat. - Yeah, a little Snatch-chat. - Please don't do that with my phone. Hope you got a wide-angle lens on that. Oh! Wow. Kidding.

Dirty Grandpa

All right. Gary, I'm all done. It's late. - I gotta go open the store, buddy. - I know, but you tried to sell peyote - to middle schoolers. - What? Come on. It's me. Pam! Don't be a dick. Come on! I just had watery diarrhea, I want to get out of here. It stinks. It does stink. All right, let's get you out of there. All right! Whoo! I don't like being in a cage. You're letting him out? He's the one that sold drugs. - Why are you letting him out? - Hey, man! Not cool! That's a real dick move, throwing me under the bus. What the fuck are you talking about? You're the one that sold drugs last night! - Hey, guy, snitches get stitches! - All right. So why don't you shut your fucking mouth, bro. Yeah. Snitches get stitches, my friend. My name's Pam. - All right. - You're incorrigible. - Hey, how are you, Finch? - How you doing? Good to see you. - Finchy! Finch! - Hey! You got it. Must beautiful woman on the police force, right here. - Jeez! - The only woman, but... - Here's the deal. - What's up? I came in here with a bag of drugs, I'm not gonna lie to you. I can't leave without it. - Can you guys hook me up there? - Yep... - Ooh! Gary! - These yours? - Yeah. Thanks, Gare-Bear. - Oh! Nice catch. Hey, right? Please remember, next Tuesday is the election. Vote for me for mayor. I'm gonna win this year. - I'm gonna beat that goat. - You got my vote. Pam! Pam! - He is just a good one. - He is just a number one... - Lover and a fighter. - Okay, listen. Guys, I really respect the job you guys do. I'm being completely honest, from the bottom of my heart, I look up to you. I fight for the law. Thank you, no one ever says that to us. - Ever. - That's what I wanted to do when I was a kid. Like, I wanted to do what you guys do. Mostly people just call us pigs and throw bags of fast food at us. - Yeah. - I'm incredibly sorry for all this confusion, but listen to me, please. I have to let you know, I am a lawyer. - Whoa! You're a lawyer? - I am, yeah. I'm actually a lawyer. Whoa! You don't look like a lawyer. Yeah. Yeah, I handle, like, uh, corporate stuff. Like, uh... like LLC agreements, - LP agreements... - You lost me. - I don't even know what that means. - I mean, like, you... - don't look Jewish. - No. - Which is weird. - It's actually pretty funny. There you go... That is funny! It is so weird! - It's darkly ironic. - It really is. Yes, exactly. Dark irony. I thought you had to be, like, at least 80 to be a lawyer. - Like, it's a lot of school, right? - Yeah. It's... it's, uh... it's a lot of school. The bar... something I took and passed. It's not something I stand behind. Yeah. I'm not on this side, typically, and I just, uh, I just... I know my rights, and I would love my phone call. - Objection. - Overruled. - Permission to approach the bench? - Denied! - What? - It's easy to be a lawyer. - It's so easy. - I would love my phone call. Okay. I know my rights. - I want my phone call. - Give me my phone call! - I should have a phone call! - This is my First Amendment right. My first, page one, number one amendment - says that I have a telephone! - I get a phone call. - This is my First Amendment right. - I'm guaranteed a phone call.

Dirty Grandpa

Okay, cool. You're not cops. In which case, welcome to drugs! - Oh, my God. - Now, I'm pretty cool, so I only sell the stuff that occurs naturally. So I got weed, I got mushrooms, I got meth. - Meth? - Yeah. How is that natural? Well, it occurs naturally in my cousin's basement in Baltimore, if you know what I mean. Okay, fine, drugs aren't your thing. Got it. Message received. In which case, listen, we got a great local charity here. Pam's Kids.

Dirty Grandpa

Have you been reading shit off the shot glasses and the shirts in here and just saying it like it's wisdom? I was seriously trying to talk to you, man. Do you realize the stakes here? - You're ridiculous! - Smile. You've had a phone this entire fucking time? What else don't I know about you? How the hell do you know how to speak Arabic? Dad's never said anything about that. That's because your dad doesn't really know much about me. I was away with the army during most of his childhood. - So we were never that close. - Is that why he doesn't like you?

Dirty Grandpa

Oh, shit!

Dirty Grandpa