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RUBY: What did you think the first time you saw me? CALVIN: I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever saw.
Ruby Sparks
When was the last time you wrote, Cal? I can't write.
Ruby Sparks
"...pooled into his eyes as though... Rushed back like blood...
Ruby Sparks
Do you need Bobby now? Yes.
Ruby Sparks
He just peed like a girl.
Ruby Sparks
What for? To get some stuff.
Ruby Sparks
I'm in the middle of a meeting. But this is an emergency. I may be losing my mind.
Ruby Sparks
Oh, he's a boy dog.
Ruby Sparks
That's depressing.
Ruby Sparks
What's wrong? Oh, nothing. Nothing, uh... Are these, by any chance, yours? Yeah, of course, they are.
Ruby Sparks
At least imagine how it could be true.
Ruby Sparks
Also, I'm feeling ambivalent about Scotty.
Ruby Sparks
I thought you might be hungry, so I'm making you some eggs.
Ruby Sparks