- What are you doing? - Saving you. He was blowing you off. He wasn't blowing me off! Don't. Okay, he'll be expecting you to call him. And when you don't, he'll call back. - How do you know? - Because I know how men operate. If you want it to work out with this guy, then you'll listen to me... ...and you'll do exactly as I say. You've done irreparable damage... ...with your psycho-aggressive control-freak phone call. It might even be too late.
The Ugly Truth
Do you understand how much I hate myself for that? It was cheap titillation. I am now going to broadcasting hell... ...right behind the naked weathergirl from Canada.
The Ugly Truth
Coming up, we're gonna visit the aquarium... ...and see how Penny the Porpoise is. Can she clear that 10-foot pole... ...with a ball on her nose? When we come back. When we come back.
The Ugly Truth
Do you realize that I once had... ...the Archbishop Desmond Tutu on this show? - Who's that? - I can't demonstrate how far I've fallen.
The Ugly Truth
All right. If we're gonna do this, we might as well milk it. Two, get ready to go wide. One, tight on his hand. Lick the Jell-O off her finger.
The Ugly Truth
I was wrong. It's cherry. Back to you in the studio, Georgia. Bye.
The Ugly Truth
Lick the Jell-O off her finger.
The Ugly Truth
- Who's Doug? - He's just a guy I'm seeing. It's nothing serious. Just a guy I'm seeing. It's nothing serious.
The Ugly Truth
- Fine. What do I do? - Pick up and say, "Hey, Doug." - Why would I...? - Just do it.
The Ugly Truth
And if you do salvage the situation, you'll never be more than Abby...
The Ugly Truth
Listen to you. Desperately asking me if you sound desperate.
The Ugly Truth
...his desperate neighbor. - I'm not desperate.
The Ugly Truth
- Oh, my God! I'm so sorry. - That's perfect.
The Ugly Truth
No. This is Colin.
The Ugly Truth
Who's Doug?
The Ugly Truth
Hey, Doug.
The Ugly Truth
- Now, we have to teach you flirting. - I know how to flirt. You know how to flirt? "Oh, my name's Abby, and I love reading Tolstoy. I also love cats, gardening, and romantic picnics." I don't think so. Hey, babe, you wearing any underwear? You know what? I wouldn't say that, and I wouldn't grab ass. What's wrong with a little ass-grabbing? I mean, what's it there for if for not me to grab it? You're just a set of orifices and a pair of teetahs. And you are a deeply, deeply disturbed person. Maybe I'm just a really good student. - Would you stop doing that? - Doing what? Running your finger down there. Over me. Why? Is it turning you on? Maybe. It's weird, I think I kind of like it. Really? - Sucker. - Oh, I knew it. Okay, no teaching the teacher. Come on. - Who is it? - It's Colin. I'm not ready for this. Am I ready? - I'm not ready for this. - Calm down.
The Ugly Truth
- Not bad. - I just... I don't wanna be perceived as a bimbo. I mean... And I don't want you to be a bimbo. You have to be two people: the saint and the sinner. The librarian and the stripper.