It's all fucking ruined now. It's all ruined. - It's all ruined! - (PAT) No, Dad. - It's ruined! It's ruined! - (PAT) No, Dad. You little fucking shit! - (PAT) Come on, Dad! - You fucking loser! You loser! - (PAT) I'm not a loser. - You fucking loser! Spiked the ball... (PATEL) He defended his brother and us. - Spiked the ball at the one-yard line. - (PAT) No, Dad. (DOORBELL RINGING)
Silver Linings Playbook
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. - I was a big slut, but I'm not anymore. There's a part of me that's sloppy and dirty, but I like that, with all the other parts of myself. Can you say the same about yourself, fucker? Can you forgive? Are you any good at that?
Silver Linings Playbook
- I like to run by myself, OK? - Me too. - I like to run alone. Stop. - What? - I'm running here. - Me too. Run somewhere else. There's tons of roads to run in. - I like this road, my neighbourhood. - Come on, please! Calm down, crazy.
Silver Linings Playbook
The Birds lose, I lose a fucking fortune. A fortune to Randy. What did you do? You fucking lost it. You said you had it together, you were solid. I am solid. I was solid at the game. I'm solid. I'm solid. You fell apart! What are you talking about?
Silver Linings Playbook
Stop breaking my balls. - I got you... I brought the iPod. - Oh! Whoa. - For me? - Yeah. That's my old iPod, but... Buddy, thank you. That's so nice of you. - Wow. - Thirty-two gigabytes. - How many songs is that? - 7,000.
Silver Linings Playbook
Restraining order's nothing to fool with, bro.
Silver Linings Playbook
...having sex with everybody in the office.
Silver Linings Playbook
- (PAT) I'm not doing...! - Stop hitting him!
Silver Linings Playbook
(PAT) Get off me, Dad.
Silver Linings Playbook
It's a... It's...
Silver Linings Playbook
- Hey, Pat! Hey. - Hey. What are you doing here? - We must beat the Giants. - Not supposed to see you. Outside the office. - Is that illegal? - I'm your brother in green, not your therapist. I'm happy to see you. Wonderful that you are here. This is Cliff. My doctor. Two things. Watch that bubble screen for Manning in the backfield and make sure we knock the receivers on their ass. You can say that again. Those cocksuckers! (ALL LAUGHING) (CHEERING) (RARE EARTH'S "HEY BIG BROTHER" PLAYING)
Silver Linings Playbook
- (PAT SR.) Who is this? - We need to talk now. When you make a commitment, it is not cool to not show up! Wait. I tried to call. - My God. - Who is this? (PAT) I tried to call you, Tiffany. (TIFFANY) Oh, really? (PAT) I was gonna split my time with my dad and you. - Dad was pulling me in one direction. - Sounds great. That's great for all of them, but all of them didn't make a commitment to me in return for my help.
Silver Linings Playbook
- You understand? - (PAT) Yeah. Heavy. I want you to go to the game with your brother.