- (TIFFANY) Hey! - What the fuck? - I'm married! - So am I! What are you doing? Your husband's dead! - Where is your wife? - You're crazy! I'm not the one that just got out of that hospital. I'm not the big slut!
Silver Linings Playbook
(KEOGH) Police. Open the door, please. Open up. Mr Solatano, I got a lot of calls. People are scared. I gotta come in.
- I like it. - (DOLORES) No. No, Patrizio. I believe in the Eagles, my son. I'll take the action. I'll take it. - (PAT) Dad. - Patrizio, don't. It's toxic. I have faith. Excelsior belongs in this house. - Dad. - Not in New York. In this house. Dad, I didn't know excelsior was the motto of New York. - But now I know. - This is toxic. Dad, this is toxic. You shouldn't be doing this. Quiet, you already did enough. What do you say? My Birds, Benjamin Franklin's team, favoured one and a half points. Give you 3 more. Patrizio, stop it. Randy, don't you take the bet! - In fact, I'll give you 10 points. - No, Dad! - Dad! This is insanity! - Dad! - Take that bet on the Cowboys. - (RANDY) Dolores, will you stop him?
Silver Linings Playbook
- I do like the idea of a parlay. - What? No parlay! No. - No, don't do it. Don't do it. - (DOLORES) Mother of God. How do they run this dance competition? How do they score it? I don't know how they score. We're participating, not a part of it. There's people... This is a high-end dance contest. Do not put it as part of the parlay. They go by Philadelphia rules. Each dancer is scored 1 to 10, 10 the highest, average the four judges' scores. OK, scores from 1 to 10, right? And you guys are how good? - We suck. - We don't suck. Pat's a beginner, I'm OK. We're happy just to be going. (RANDY) The people you're competing against? They're good. Some of them are professionals. (RANDY) Better than you?
Silver Linings Playbook
(RANDY) Patrizio, I feel terrible, you know? You made the bet, I won a lot of money, and now your whole family is in turmoil. Oh, fuck off, Randy. You love it. You live for this. You've bet against my father for years. You're twisting the knife now. You get off on it! That's not true. Don't say that. - Fine, then prove it! - Yeah, prove it. (RANDY) How do you want me to prove it? How do you prove it'? - How do I prove it? - A chance to win back everything. - Double or nothing. - No, no, no. Double or nothing on the Bengals next week, is that what you're saying?