Stop texting! I'm not texting, if you must know. I'm playing Candy Crush and I just made level 95. God, that is so rude! (GUNSHOT)
What happened? I've never seen somebody dive for stool softener before. That's one thing that happened. What did you do?
Anyway, tell me... are your hemorrhoids particularly large, or just tenacious?
Of course I did. I told you, I can't trust anybody. I had to look through your things.
Sorry, lady, but they only paid me for one... Ow!
(SCREAMS) Come on!
Did you drug me?
Nance? Oh, my God, Susan! Hello. Hello? Just say something to me, please. Susan? Anything. I cannot handle this, Susan! There is nothing in real life that someone could do to a spy... that is filthier or more upsetting than what my brain will cook up right now. So save me from myself, Susan! Because you know what's going to happen. I'm gonna get chattier, aren't I? Did you know that you can't ever change having big pores? Oh, my God, Nancy, you are driving me nuts! I couldn't talk because I was in an elevator filled with people. You're all right. Oh, thank God. You disappeared for 12 hours. We didn't know what happened! I had to take out my earpiece and my camera. Rayna's on to our agents and she was gonna spot my equipment from a mile away. You're with Rayna? You're not supposed to be within a mile away of her. Nancy, I know, but I'm in deep and I'm getting such good intel. Please, I just need to remain on radio silence just a little bit longer. Well, don't worry, because I'll be able to keep a better eye on you now. What are you talking about? How?
Anton! Ouch! Anton is part of my security team, psycho! Yeah, well, guess what? I don't like his face. I don't like the looks of your face! And who the fuck are you? I'm the person that's gonna cut your dick off and glue it to your forehead... so you look like a limp-dick unicorn. That's who the fuck I am. Your name should be "Mr. Bag o' Dicks"... not "Anton. " Okay. Jesus. Let's just calm down, okay? Does he not look like a bag o' dicks? Enough. I can see why my father liked you now.
I will destroy you. And then after I'm done destroying you, I'll take a picture of what's left... of your body, and I'm gonna text it to your mother. With a little note that says his last words were... "My mother was terrible. You did this to me. " That's so fucking mean. Yeah, I'm so fucking mean. You're just figuring that out? Give me your coat. This is a man's coat. Yeah, but I don't see a man, do I? I see a reject from The Sound of Music.
(SIGHS) Oh, my God.
Now, let's go to Budapest. I need a fucking drink. Yeah, I bet you fucking do.
We've got a big night ahead of us. Don't be afraid to clean yourself up, Amber. Take a shower is what I'm saying. Yeah? Don't be afraid to hit water yourself. You smell like a dead hooker that washed up on the beach... then roasted in the sun for a week before anybody found her body. Okay. You need to take it way down. I'm sorry, that's too much. Okay, that was too much. Jeez! Too much. God.
What are you doing here? Elaine wanted to know exactly what you were up to... so I tracked your earpiece. They sent me here to find you. They sent you? I'm as unknown as you are, so they thought my cover was safe. Did they give you an identity?
I'm meeting a potential bidder, if you must know. If they don't top the current offer, the sale will happen tomorrow.
Be more like her. And your head better not have broken my fucking phone.
It was my mother's coat, but she's very masculine.
Yes, I did, Helen Keller! You're both named Amber?