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We can't do that, Dude. That fucks up our plan. Well, call them up and explain it to them, Walter. Your plan is so fucking simple, I'm sure they'll fucking understand it. That's the beauty of it. Wooden bfidge,huh? Throw them the money, Walter. We're not fucking around, man. Okay, Dude, the bridge is coming up. Give me the ringer, chop-chop. Fuck that. Walter, I love you, but sooner or later you're gonna have to face the fact you're a goddamn moron. Okay, Dude. No time to argue. Hey, man! Here's the bridge. Hey, Walter! Hey, Walter! Hey, Walter! Here goes the ringer!

The Big Lebowski

You see? Nothing's fucked here, Dude. Nothing is fucked. They're a bunch of fucking amateurs. Walter, will you just shut the fuck up? Don't say peep while I'm doing business here, man. Okay, Dude. Have it your way. But they're amateurs. Fuck. Dude. Okay, we proceed but only if there is no funny stuff. Yeah, yeah. So no funny stuff. Okay? Just tell me where the fuck you want us to go.

The Big Lebowski

Since you have failed to achieve, even in the modest task which was your charge, since you have stolen my money, since you have unrepentantly betrayed my trust, I have no choice but to tell these bums to do whatever is necessary to recover their money from you, Jeffrey Lebowski.

The Big Lebowski

Dude. You are coming to wooden bridge. When you cross the bridge, you throw the bag from the left window of the moving car. You're being watched.

The Big Lebowski

Walter, how am I gonna... Shomer fucking shabbos! Oh, fuck! That's it. I'm out of here. Oh, come on, Dude.

The Big Lebowski

Oh, well, if you've already got the check made out, that's cool. We received this this morning.

The Big Lebowski

Fuck it, Dude. Let's go bowling.

The Big Lebowski


The Big Lebowski

Just got home from Illinois Locked the front door, oh, boy Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch Imagination sets in Pretty soon I'm singin' Doo,doo,doo Looking out my back door Keeping mighty cool. There's a giant doing cartwheels A statue wearing high heels Look at all the happy creatures Dancing on the lawn A dinosaur Victrola listening to Buck Owens Doo, doo, doo Looking out my back door Tambourines and elephants are playing in the band Doo,doo,doo Wondrous apparition provided by magician Doo,doo,doo Looking out my back door Tambourines and elephants are playing in the band Won't you take a ride on the flying spoon? Doo,doo,doo Bother me tomorrow Today I'll buy no sorrows Doo,doo,doo Looking out my back door He lives in North Hollywood on Radford, near the ln-N-Out Burger. No, the ln-N-Out Burger's on Camrose. Near the ln-N-Out Burger. Those are good burgers, Walter. Shut the fuck up, Donny. The kid is in the ninth grade, Dude. And his father is... Are you ready for this? His father is Arthur Digby Sellers. Who the fuck is that? Who the fuck is Arthur Digby Sellers? VVhO the... Have you ever heard of a little show called Branded, Dude? Yes, yes, I... "All but one man died there at Bitter Creek." I know the fucking show, Walter. So what? Fucking Arthur Digby Sellers wrote 156 episodes, Dude. The bulk of the series. Oh. Not exactly a lightweight. No. And yet his son is a fucking dunce.

The Big Lebowski

V\Ie'll go out there, we'll brace the kid. He should be a pushover. We'll get that fucking million dollars back, if he hasn't spent it already. A million fucking clams. And, yes, we'll be near the... ln-N-Out.

The Big Lebowski

Oh, fuck me, man. That kid's already spent all the money, man. New Vette? Hardly, Dude. I'd say he still has $960,000, $970,000 left, depending on the options.

The Big Lebowski

No, no, man. She hit me right here. I understand. Could you slide your shorts down, please?

The Big Lebowski

My name is Walter Sobchak. This is my associate, Jeffrey Lebowski.

The Big Lebowski

Shh! Shh! Some burgers, some beers. A few laughs.

The Big Lebowski

Our fucking troubles are over, Dude.

The Big Lebowski

Wait in the car, Donny.

The Big Lebowski

Yes? Pilar?

The Big Lebowski

This picture was taken when Mrs. Reagan was first lady of the nation. Yes, yes. Not of California. Good shot. In fact, he met privately with the President, though, unfortunately, there wasn't enough time for a photo opportunity. Oh, Nancy's pretty good. Oh, wonderful woman. We were very happy to... These are... Oh, those are Mr. Lebowski's children, so to speak. Different mothers, huh? No, they're not... Racially, he's pretty cool? They're not literally his children. They're the Little Lebowski Urban Achievers, inner city children of promise, but without the necessary means for... Necessary means for a higher education, so Mr. Lebowski is committed to sending all of them to college. Excuse me. Oh, geez. Thank you. Thank you. Far out. Think he's got room for one more? One... Oh.

The Big Lebowski