- It's going to explode! - Oh, my God! Roll up the windows! - What the fuck is that going to do? - Roll it up! - I don't fucking care! Just do it! - Oh, God!
21 Jump Street
Yeah, no, it's all good. - I love doing drugs at school. - I'll just take the drugs right here, in our mouths. There you go. That's it.
21 Jump Street
- No! - Yeah. No, you're not fingering my mouth. - Do you wanna die? Do you wanna die? - Okay, fine! Let's go. Come on. Come on! Come on!
21 Jump Street
Try to turn it, try to turn it, spoiler alert. Spoiler alert, spoiler alert! Hey, boys, this eco-pussy is going down today. Take down eco-pussy. Take down eco-pussy!
21 Jump Street
Hey! Come here! I'm not playing anymore! I'm so not kidding! I got him. I got him.
21 Jump Street
I can't let that happen. So I got these from my dad's gun cabinet. - Eric, Eric, Eric, Eric. - Whoa. Come on. Whoa. Springfield .45s, police issue. Very powerful guns.
21 Jump Street
All right! Yeah!
21 Jump Street
But what was the girl in the back doing? Warehouse rave in Ellsworth. Cool, yeah. Hey, man, thank you for the hospitality, but we got to get going. You know how it is, yeah? Dude, tell me about it.
21 Jump Street
All that stuff I wore, like the bracelets, the rings, the tight pants, was just so that people would think I'm cool.
21 Jump Street
Don't throw the baton, you jackass!
21 Jump Street
Some messed up shit went down yesterday.
21 Jump Street
Let's hear them, then.
21 Jump Street
- You got to pull the trigger! - Okay. You got to pull the trigger! - We got to throw up, man. - I can't. We gotta throw up. That kid, Billiam, died. We got to throw up. Just think of something gross. Think of something gross. - You fucking think of something. - Okay, all right, all right. Your grandma's vagina, and there's a dick going into it. - What the fuck are you saying? - I don't know! I'm just trying! - I'm trying my best! I'm just trying! - Fuck! Come on, man! Dude, let's just finger each other's mouths.
21 Jump Street
Such a bad joke. Terrible, terrible. - You guys know each other, right? - Yeah. Get ready, get ready, there's Eric. Wait for the signal. And then you come in here looking like a rock-solid 10. What?
21 Jump Street
But he didn't even leave me a stuffed puppy. Just broken dreams. Oh, man. Well, I guess, to that, I would say, well, that there are some good guys out there, and I wouldn't let, you know, one experience taint your memory.
21 Jump Street
Oh, my God. Are you getting choked up? I'm sorry if I made you upset.