For you, I got a great idea. Why don't you let me doodle, like, a... I don't know, Charlotte's web on your head? On the top of your head. You know, something different, something exciting. 'Cause you got one of them perfectly-shaped domed, muscular heads. I could put a web on the top of the head. Maybe a pregnant Charlotte coming out of your ear, peeking around, making sure them bugs don't come inside. Her long leg dangling down your neck. - Yeah. Sexy, right? - Very sexy. Give you a little mystery, a little more character. And very sexy. You understand? It makes him stand out. He looks thrilled. Well. Okay, I'll tell you what. I'm feeling a little lucky tonight.
The Expendables
The second account number's mine. It'll help get things going around here. No, I can't. You've done so much. Yeah, well, so have you. A gift for a gift. You take it.
- What the hell is he doing? - Hanging a pirate. Don't be ridiculous. Gunner! What are you doing? Hanging a pirate! - That is seriously demented. - This is no good.
The Expendables
Why? He'd do it to us. Gunner, last chance. Let him go or we're letting you go. It's good to hang pirates.
The Expendables
This kind of looked a little shinier when I bought it in the shop, you know? Lace, everything all right?
The Expendables
- Let him go, Gunner. - How are you doing, Barney?
The Expendables
Bye. What?
The Expendables
Not polite enough?
The Expendables
Let's fly.
The Expendables
I haven't heard from you in over a month. Really? Time flies, huh?