Sorry, Doug, - my teen son. - Mom! I love you, honey, Dougie, Doug, Douglas McQuaid. Mom, so serious right now! Stop!
21 Jump Street
There you go.
21 Jump Street
What is a pop Quiznos? It's a quiz, and the first person who finishes gets a $10 gift certificate to Quiznos.
21 Jump Street
The department was forced to drop the charges because you forgot to read him his Miranda rights. What possible reason is there for not doing the only thing you have to do when arresting someone?
21 Jump Street
Man, this kid rules. Ruled. His parents found him OD'd in his room a few days ago. He's dead.
21 Jump Street
Can't believe you made me late. You're so selfish. - I'm selfish? - Yes, you're selfish! Are you fucking kidding me? Look at yourself!
21 Jump Street
What are you doing? - That's my mom's Kokopelli vase. - I got it, I got it. Doug, Doug, hey! Hey, Paul Blart: Molly Cop.
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
Yeah, after we made the exchange, our potential business partners got followed by some fucking cops. That's insane, man. Are you serious? Okay, it's just I don't want to go to jail! You know what happens to a handsome guy like me in jail? It rhymes with "grape"!
21 Jump Street
Yeah, sure.
21 Jump Street
Let's do that again and pretend you guys aren't weird. Which one of you is named Doug?