- You got to pull the trigger! - Okay. You got to pull the trigger! - We got to throw up, man. - I can't. We gotta throw up. That kid, Billiam, died. We got to throw up. Just think of something gross. Think of something gross. - You fucking think of something. - Okay, all right, all right. Your grandma's vagina, and there's a dick going into it. - What the fuck are you saying? - I don't know! I'm just trying! - I'm trying my best! I'm just trying! - Fuck! Come on, man! Dude, let's just finger each other's mouths.
21 Jump Street
Such a bad joke. Terrible, terrible. - You guys know each other, right? - Yeah. Get ready, get ready, there's Eric. Wait for the signal. And then you come in here looking like a rock-solid 10. What?
21 Jump Street
But he didn't even leave me a stuffed puppy. Just broken dreams. Oh, man. Well, I guess, to that, I would say, well, that there are some good guys out there, and I wouldn't let, you know, one experience taint your memory.
21 Jump Street
Oh, my God. Are you getting choked up? I'm sorry if I made you upset.
21 Jump Street
What are you doing with all those phones anyway?
21 Jump Street
You were shooting at the fuckin' ceiling.
21 Jump Street
You guys aren't narcs, are you?
21 Jump Street
- No, no! - It's fucking ZZ Top! - No, no! No, no, no! - It's fucking ZZ Top! Like an angry Walrus! - I stomp the car now! - Oh, my God!
21 Jump Street
Bye; "We love you"? What are you doing? Why you saying "I love you" to my mom? - I'm in character. Shut up. - It's weird.
21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
He's getting into Berkeley, early admish, and he totally gets me. Who put this together? Are you autistic? It is artistic, sir, because the thing is, - the yarn actually indicates... - We're compiling a list of suspicious types at school. The users are here. This kid was actually talking to a tree this morning. Cut the bullshit! I want to know who's the supplier.
21 Jump Street
Dude, I have a surprise for you. Last night at the party, I took Eric's phone and I had Zack put this monitoring device in it, so we're gonna get to hear every single thing that little prick is up to.
21 Jump Street
We don't know. That's why there's a question mark on his face. That's not the way his face looks. That's just a question mark. Infiltrate the dealers, find the supplier. Simple.
21 Jump Street
Yeah, our parents are actually - really into Native American... - Let's rock and roll.
21 Jump Street
No, keep it going! Keep it going. That was so tight! No, no, no, keep it going. Keep it going.