Cut the old man's head off. You guys hungry? I'm starving. Come on. Pizza, can we get pizza? We're getting pizza. Don't worry, I kill you first.
Kick-Ass 2
Told her. Damn.
Kick-Ass 2
Let's bounce! Put the word out I'm building an evil army. All psychopaths and ex-cons welcome. I don't think you're gonna have a problem when people hear about this.
Kick-Ass 2
No, son, thank you. You showed us that every man can make a difference. Without Kick-Ass, none of us would be here.
Kick-Ass 2
Did you guys see The Motherfucker's Twitter page? Who is this guy? And what's his problem with us? I don't know, but he has got some elephant-sized balls. He's been bragging on the web about what they did to the Colonel. Can that be traced? I tried. His IP address is masked. All right, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna organize a fight. There are a lot of guys online who said they're in if we need them. Are you kidding me? This isn't West Side Story. We didn't join up to be in a gang. We did this so we could help people. Shannon's right. We need to leave this to the cops. We better start walking in pairs. Motherfucker's tweeted that the Colonel was just the beginning. Anybody seen Night Bitch?
Kick-Ass 2
Jesus, you are such a pussy. What is the point of wearing a mask if you can't do what you want?
Kick-Ass 2
You! You are my problem! I am trying to raise you to be a normal boy!
Kick-Ass 2
My name's, um, Simon.
Kick-Ass 2
Come on, let's go see. Come on!
Kick-Ass 2
It's a gift from some drug dealer who went missing.
Kick-Ass 2
I think we're in trouble. I just don't understand why people feel the need to use that kind of language.
Kick-Ass 2
You're not like me, or your dad, you're, uh...
Kick-Ass 2
Uh... Oh, wait. Oh, I got it.
Kick-Ass 2
Go! Go, go, go! Start the car! Go, go!
Kick-Ass 2
We need back-up, eight men down.
Kick-Ass 2
My daddy was never afraid of dying.
Kick-Ass 2
Oh, Todd texted me. Again. What a loser.
Kick-Ass 2
Ouch. You don't wanna hit with your closed fist. You might break your hand, then you're defenseless. You wanna hit with open palm and pivot. Open palm and pivot. Grab the back...