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How do you define "real"?
The Matrix
Free my mind. No problem. Right.
The Matrix
- You're the Oracle? - Bingo.
The Matrix
Morning. Did you sleep?
The Matrix
You're right on time.
The Matrix
You were a father.
The Matrix
What do they want?
The Matrix
... and they are no one.
The Matrix
Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream?
The Matrix
A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines.
The Matrix
Means, "Know thyself."
The Matrix
Stay as low as you can.
The Matrix
You're a believer now?
The Matrix
We got trouble.
The Matrix
It has the same basic rules. Like gravity.
The Matrix
She would say she knows enough.
The Matrix