Found 635 results
I said no more.
American Made
Bien, bien.
American Made
Come on, come on, come on. Come on!
American Made
Hey, Jorge. Come here, give me it.
American Made
He ain't gonna make this runway any longer.
American Made
Good luck, hermano. God will keep you safe.
American Made
Either I fly the big fella, or I fly your product.
American Made
This guy's fatter than fuck. I'm already 1500 pounds overweight.
American Made
Where the hell do you think you're going, big fella? Come on. Out. He's gonna guard the product.
American Made
That's platform 14, one of Shell's helicopters. You need to disregard.
American Made
I've got a possible target headed due north. 25 miles off shore.
American Made
John Ever Villa - "Seguro Lo Hara Otro"
American Made
Coronamos de mi puta!
American Made